Mark’s Second Guest Strip

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About This Episode

Well we’re back for episode 2, which means Dave didn’t receive too many complaints! Back above ground we meet Barry and Larry the Barista boys. I honestly think I could do a totally non-zombie related side project, just following these two and the weird goings on running a coffee shop, but that’ll have to wait for another time.

We’re back above ground, and the zombies are finally here in force, we even have our first on screen victim – what more could you want?!

Other News

I’m obviously going for a different comic layout to Dave’s 2×2. I actually don’t have a consistent layout throughout the whole mini-series, but I do enjoy mixing it up a little. More importantly I hope its not going to make reading of the comic too difficult, all your feedback is greatly received!

Discussion Question

So obviously this guy has been well and truly devoured by the zombies, and one of my issues with the whole zombie genre is the turning issue. At what point do you turn? And how does that impact the zombies that are chewing on you?

Editor’s Note: Don’t forget to check out Mark’s Flickr profile for more awesome stuff.

18 thoughts on “Mark’s Second Guest Strip”

  1. Well with this guy getting stripped to the bone so fast, I’m not sure he’s going to get a chance to turn! 😀

    • Yeah unfortunately lego don’t make partially eaten minifigures!

      • Hah, but Citizen Brick does.
        Put a Dark Grey 2×2 tile under that, and it’ll look like his coat came off in the scrap against the dead!

        • Haha I like the idea of a tile to act as his jacket – clever lego thinking!

    • So that makes me wonder, what if they stripped all the flesh off, but the head was intact and attached. Would he still reanimate? And would he be able to function (roam, attack, eat, etc)?

      • Exactly my point. My view in this situation is an uneaten/partially eaten head can survive without the body providing the brain is unharmed

  2. So it looks like Dave’s chosen to run an episode a day, which means we’ll get a Saturday prime time finale! Who’s excited?!

    • Bricks of the Dead on a Saturday? I’m in!

  3. In response to episode 453:
    Dave should play minecraft pe or the computer version of it and make a video and put it on his youtube channel!
    This message was brought to Dave and his friends by KillzoneMC.

  4. I like that newspaper that guy’s reading it’s awesome.

  5. Cool! If I may ask… how did you do the newspaper in the 1st frame?

    • This is an easy one – came from a Marvel Mega Bloks set. Sometime the evil copycats come up with some good accessories 🙂

  6. So far so good ! Background use in the second panel is very nice ! These are nice sets you built. I guess you spend quite some time for each episod.

    • Thanks! Once the comic has finished I’ll add some pics to my Flickr Stream so you can all see the scenery a bit better

  7. Citizen brick has a torso that has its guts ripped out…

    • Yeah but the torso has a white shirt – not a snazzy suit like this guy had!

      • Oh yeah… sorry bout that i totally forgot…

        • TheBeefThief came up with a good work around for this though (see above)