Website News:
This is the last update of 2010. Bricks of the Dead will return next year. We hope you have a happy and relatively zombie-free holiday season!
Zombie Cliché Lookout:
In every group you need to have a champion and a naysayer. The champion’s job is to maintain positivity and make sure the group is focusing on meeting its goals rather than being distracted by silly things like their impending death by starvation. The naysayer’s duty is to make snarky comments to undermine the champion’s positive influence. Naysayers like to believe that they’re only being realistic and protecting people from the dangers of being too optimistic, but they’re really just being a pain in the ass.
Ah, got to love Stewart and his positive outlook on things 😀
Stewart’s one of those people who think being negative and snarky makes him seem smart. I know a lot of people like that… I may be a person like that.
Got to agree haha! 😀
Anyway, Dave, Merry Zombie Christmas to you, too! 🙂
Happy holidays to you as well!
A close cousin of that type is the reflexive devil’s advocate – no matter what, they take the contrary position. This can often lead to them contradicting themselves or their true beliefs, but it’s such an inflexible directive that they can’t help it.
Me? I reflexively say “Happy Holidays!” – and once had a fun argument with an atheist who preferred saying “Merry Christmas” as to which was more appropriate. I think we both won.
That’s a fun little argument indeed. I too tend to say Happy Holidays, as Christmas (and Chanukah, Kwanza for that matter) and New Year’s are so close together. To each their own.
it’s always good to know how screwed you are
It’s nice to have a sense of perspective, isn’t it?
I find in life it’s best to expect the worse and put a good spin on it (it could always be worse). Yes, you spilt that drink but you could have spilt it on someone important and there’s allways more drink and a wet cloth so it’s nothing permanaent. Yes, you were just bit by a dog but at least it’s not rabid. Yes, you’re being mauled by a bear but at least it’s just one bear. Yes, you’re being attacked by hordes of the living dead but at least it’s not a zombified horde of every other living being in existence. Yes, the planet is being destroyed by a giant monster but at least you’ll die quickly.
That’s a pretty damn compelling reason for pessimism, Replica.
A good optimist knows it pays to have a little pessimism, in case things don’t work out as expected! 😉
Well said, BrickVoid.
That’s a very good explanation bout pessimism! It’s so true! I guess Stewart must follow that way of thinking alot! 🙂
so zombie christmass how on earth would that work out?
I think one would have to skip Christmas in the zombie wasteland.
Maybe they’d think of people as ‘presents’. 😉
Hrm, do your zombies think? 🙂
Hah, I’m sure that would, BrickVoid. I don’t know about thinking, but they’ve got powerful instincts.