Zombie Cliche Lookout: Back to Earth
I think we’ve all been in this situation at one point or another: we’re dragging the dead body of our zombie coworker down the hallway of our family home, getting annoyed because someone wants to poke a bunch of holes in the walls. Well, not this situation exactly, but you know what I mean. We get so wrapped up in our own little issues that we completely fail to take the big picture into account. That’s when we need someone to snap us back into reality. This can be done a number of different ways. For instance, slapping people right in the face was a popular choice on television for a while.
Probably my favorite approach to this problem is to have the voice of reason simply point out exactly what’s so ludicrous about the situation. Many times, we slowly dig ourselves deeper and deeper into insanity, and the progress is so slow that we don’t notice just how far we’re sinking. But with one well-timed observation, someone can make us take a step back and really appreciate the situation.
About this Episode:
Barb isn’t the type of person to take a whole lot of crap from people. She simply doesn’t have time for it, nor is she predisposed to using a lot of tact when interacting with people. Where other characters, like Cheryl, might have handled this situation with a lot more patience, Barb cuts right through the BS.
Discussion Question: Snapping Out of It
Have you ever been in a situation where you let yourself get tunnel vision? It’s pretty easy to do. If you have, what eventually brought you out of it, and how fast was that process? Did this tunnel vision cause you any trouble that you didn’t realize until after the fact?
Another +1 for Dave: I can’t find any typos, and that’s always good in a comic about zombie apocalypses! 😀
I reckon Ted might be right to be worried about holes in the walls, especially since zombies might try to get in through them! Unless they’re on the upper floor of his house, that is! 😀
I suppose even small holes could weaken the well, albeit only by a small amount.
Hey Ted, you have anymore map tiles? We could use those to cover the windows and your corpse there is bleeding all over your carpet
Everything that’s not nailed down.
Since I never had zombies battering down my door, I don’t think I was ever caught up in tunnel vision.
Well, it doesn’t have to be that severe of a situation. Haven’t you ever been so into something you neglected everything else? Working on a project so hard you forget to eat, perhaps?