Episode 425: Alternate Routes

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Zombie Cliche Lookout: Let’s Get Out of Here!

When it comes to dealing with zombies, especially when you have improvised weapons and no real protection, discretion is often the better part of valor. Sure, you can probably take out a few zeds with your crowbar, but you’ll get mobbed before you know it. Instead, use your weapon to clear a path, and find a way out of there as soon as possible. These scenes usually show up near the beginning of zombie stories, with survivors just coming to terms with what’s going on in the world.

Rather than staying put and slugging it out with the mounting army of zombies, smart characters usually use the opportunity to run away and regroup. This is often coupled with the trope of not recognizing zombies, and thus being hesitant about attacking what they perceive to be human beings. Once they get more comfortable dealing with the zombies, survivors tend to approach situations a little more tactfully. Granted, they might get surprised and have to run on occasion, but they try to keep those occasions to a minimum.

About this Episode:

Sarah’s still on her mini-rampage, as you can probably tell from her scowl and her raised weapon in that final frame. Where Sam is content to simply push the zeds out of the way, Sarah is on the war path. Sam seems to have come to terms with it.

Discussion Question: Zombie Survival Christmas Present

It’s that time of year again, Christmas is rapidly approaching (you know, if you celebrate it). So what are you going to ask Santa for this year to help you survive the zombie apocalypse? Do you need a new hunting rifle? Some heirloom seeds? A water purifier? A fully stocked doomsday bunker? I hope you’ve been a good little boy or girl this year.

27 thoughts on “Episode 425: Alternate Routes”

  1. I’ve asked for a zippo and a couple of other small bits and pieces 🙂

    • Zippos are super cool. The seem to run out of fluid in a hurry though.

  2. You know, I think this illustrates prefectly how even the dumbest and stupidest person might survive an encounter with zombies unscathed. I don’t know why Dave is using it in his webcomic though! 😀

    • They are slow, after all.

  3. I’m going for some books and other non-survival stuff… Maybe I can hit the Zombies in the head with a nice thick book 🙂

    • That should do it.

  4. Getting some BDUs, a headlamp and an Alice pack. Of course Lego sets also, should go without saying

    • Not a bad haul.

  5. *zombie speech(low groaning sounding)* LEEEEGGOOOO…..

    Wait what? Haha Im mostly rooting to get a brick arms/gi brick/brickforge coupon. Jeez, custom online lego is addictive… I already have over $200 worth of online merch. But some more iodine water drops would be nice. used up a bunch when i went on that survival course last summer.

    • Yeah, there’s a lot of cool manufacturers out there. It’s tough to pass up some of those items.

  6. Also, come to think about it, I took some shots at the shooting range I work in and i have LOST the magic Django touch. At least with a revolver. Give me a rifle and I can plug the Ace of Spades from 100 metres. Well, i’m still OK with the revolver, just the high caliber bullets like magnums are making my aim go all screwy. SO if I could log some xtra time shooting that would be a good enough present for me :3

    • Hah, time to log some more practice time with the revolver.

  7. I thought with all the zed-heads here at least 1 person would have said: “diy house improvements, to make the home more gek proof and comfortable to live out the end.” All of you must have great first response sites or at least a good bug out spot, if no one as mentioned improved home front.

    • I’m renting right now, but when I buy, I definitely want to make it more zed proof.

  8. DIY tv show, forgot to mention that in the other post, sorry!

  9. I don’t have a lot on my list. Small kit of surgical tools. More knives. Most of my family gives me odd looks when I put things like this on a “wish list”.

    I really wish I could share all the fun ZA stuff I got for my brother, but he reads this comic, too.

    • You’ll have to update us after Christmas.

  10. I’m hoping to get my hands on that Echo-Sigma get-home bag, and using it as a bug-out bag. I can’t pay 250 pounds for their real bug out bag. It still looks like a decent kit, I guess I’ll get what I pay for. Then there’s the bulletproof vest I mentioned.

    • I’m glad to have it in my trunk; I know that much.

    • Still cheaper to build your own, once you know what you really want.

  11. One Typo Alert, Second paragraph, second sentence, after the comma: “the perceive” should be “they perceive”. 😀 I must admit, too, that it took me a while to find that one! 😉

    • In Zombie Cliche Lookout, of course. 🙂

      • Got it; thanks!

  12. 1 a zombie killing hummer with extra gas cans
    2 a solar panel kit
    3 some coal for fires
    4 a M4A1 with fmj’s and hollow points
    5 and a giant candy cane to whack the hell out of a zombie

  13. Nothing prep-related on Santa’s list this year. I’m just doing Christmas for the kids.

  14. Lol the candy cane. Like TomSka’s Christmas Demolition (Youtube)

  15. I hope Sam schmucks that zed with the backwards ball cap right in the grape as he runs by; I’m sure he was a douche bag in life, too.