Zombie Cliché Lookout:
Zombies are scary, but scarier still is the idea that there are a bunch of armed people out there, and you have no idea if they’ve just rescued your friend, kidnapped him, or killed him so they could eat him. Whenever the protagonists come across other living people, they have to decide whether to trust them. Where most people are fundamentally good in the regular world, the world of the undead is something different altogether. Being a good person is by no means the best way to survive, in fact it might cause you to take undue risks and get you killed all the faster. So when it comes to survivors, you just never know what kind of people you’re dealing with.

That’s certainly an interesting theory.
Well, at least they have a policeman helping them find a missing person! Whether Sam’s a zombie or infected, however, is another question entirely! 😀
It is indeed.
Pfft, the important question is “Who wants to drive, and who wants to hang off the back making siren noises as we cruise this mofo fire truck over some zeds?”
Oh come on, you know I’m right. 😉
I can’t argue with that, Lich. I don’t think anyone can.
Uh I can. What if it’s out of fuel and Stewart start the sirens before they get it started?
Well, obviously communication is going to be important for this operation.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. It’s one sick firetruck.
That it is. I like most of the fire truck designs. They’re generally a little simple, but still very cool.
It’s an all-time great fire truck. I look forward to having my son build it, destroy it, rebuild and innovate it, destroy it…
I’ve been waiting for that with my son as well. He seems to be taking more of an interest in his Duplos, but it’s still mostly frustration.
Poor Sam he had to deal with Stewart being a jerk to him and then he goes on a suicide mission to save everybody else and now he might even be DEAD or worse D:
Yeah, everything is decidedly not coming up MIlhouse for Sam, is it?
Love the tension. It’s gotta be that group from earlier? Way back when several months ago.
We’ll have to see. Someone else suggested that it might be Clark as well. Let the theories fly!
That would be me. I’m willing to be money that it’s Clark. (Well, maybe not real money, but money nonetheless! 😉 )
So what, like Rubles or Pesos?
The ad for ShopSnafuGames.com has my 2 fav topics… cub scouts and zombie. Priceless!!
So you’re that center area on the sub scout / zombie ven diagram? Good to know! 🙂
we are few but we are firece! lol
I believe it.
I would say it’s Clark, but he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that would use a gun. With that, I say that it’s the criminals. Or it could be Military Forces. I’m kind of hoping it’s not Military, for some reason.
Yeah, the military always seems to be portrayed as incompetent and/or evil in zombie stories…
I’d like to see what would happen in BotD if the military did show up though…
Except Shawn Of the dead or that comic book Zombies! no the exclamation mark is in the title of the book.
I like how there’s no real Military in Dead Island. Sure, there’s humans you have to fight (I’m proud of my “Humanitarian” achievement!), but it’s always good to have some Humans v.s. Humans.
I don’t know about using the military in the strip. I’m not sure that it fits the setting, so to speak.
Yes, the strip seems too unorganized to throw in the military.
P.S. I mean unorganized as the survivors have nothing official. No team name, no roles, just them and their weapons.
I think them wandering past a broken quarenteen zone could be interesting. I know this is set in a small down but this area,for all we know, is one of the first zones.
Yeah, I agree ZombieMutts on the quarantine idea! Although I was considering something similar for ZO a few days ago… hmm… *consults script* That probably wouldn’t happen for quite a while anyway, though….
The Greatness that is http://zombieoutbrick.thecomicseries.com/ doesn’t seem to let me load my avatar…must be a stripped down version of my work browser or something.
Oh dear… that’s too bad. Don’t blame my site though, blame ComicFury!
Are you sure you’ve done everything correctly?
Its my browser at work…I need to set it up at home and I guarentee it will work.
Ah, that’s good. Stupid work browsers… *grumbles indistinctly*
As far as the scale of the zombie outbreak in BotD goes, I am going to address that in the semi-near future.
Btw – Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is great!!
500 to 700 words or I don’t believe you.
Yeah, shoot [email protected] an email if you are interested in doing a guest review and we’ll get you setup. I’d definitely love it if you did, but I certainly understand if you have other priorities.
Perhaps Sam was saved, and the Brotherhood of Life has finally emerged!
Things could get further complicated if Sam was rescued, but then his rescuers realized he was bitten… we could switch between Sam’s point of view, and our other main characters’ and wonder if our group here will find him in time…
You did say something to the extent of “let the crazy theories fly” didn’t you? 😉
That’s certainly taking the ball and running with it. Good on you!
I’m not sure I get Cheryl’s “Who could have done this?” question. It sounds incredulous, but anyone with a gun could have wiped out half a dozen zombies. Is she just surprised that there are other survivors or something?