Zombie Cliché Lookout:
The thing about chainsaws is that you have to balance their incredible power against something, and that something is unwieldiness. Chainsaws are simply heavy and awkward to use, and definitely not the silver bullet most people imagine them to be in a fight against zombies. Sure, they’re cut through flesh and bone like a hot knife through butter, but they’re just not designed to fight off a horde of walking dead. All it takes is a quick second of being off balance, the saw to get stuck, or stall, or any other of the myriad of problems that can and will come up, and you’re screwed.

So ends Jeff’s fate – well at least for now. I do wonder though, if the zombies will find something distasteful about him! 😀
You never know.
So has your taste for action been sated?
Somewhat, but remember there’s still the crisis situation Sam’s been left in! 😀 So I wouldn’t expect too much delay before the zombie action picks up again! 😉
Oh don’t worry, we’ll get some Sam related action in a few weeks.
Well, that’s the end of Jeff. Well miss him, but it was probably best he went this way instead of turning.
At least he took one of them with him, right?
2 actually.
Well, Baseball Zombie got hit in the chest and abdomen, which is not fatal for zombies.
Not fatal maybe, but a chainsaw through the spine will make them much less of a threat.
Yeah, in the worst of situations a chainsaw is not really my preferred weapon. It’s also pretty loud too (thus attracting hordes of zombies). If I had a chainsaw during a zombie outbreak, I would ditch it a.s.a.p. At least in Resident Evil 4 and RE: The Mercenaries 3D, as soon as I hear that chainsaw making its noise I know what to expect. I usually pick off the chainsaw enemies first, because even though they are a bit slower, they’re still more of a threat.
God the chainsaw stuff in RE4 was awesome. The first time I came across one of those guys my jaw dropped.
Mine too, but that was that because the chainsaw guy cut it off. If I had just dodged half a second earlier…
at least he died in the most awesome way possible
Damn straight!
I cannot stand people who wear their hats backwards but I will always remember Jeff for his bravery. Proeliator.
All the cool kids wear their hats backward.
Get off my lawn!
In a similar vein. What’s up with the popped up collars? Why is that a thing?
I’ll file that under white belts
Bowties are cool, but no one wears those!
Dave does. I know what he looks like in real life and he has a picture of him with one.
I think the popped collars are a retro-’80s preppie thing. I nearly complained to the manager at a bank when the teller had a popped collar, but then I remembered that it was a) a bank in the basement of a student union building on campus, and b) I was a grad student and therefore old.
Backward caps are still annoying. Leaving the stickers on them or leaving the brim flat is just laughable. Then again, I have a couple of fedoras I wear, so I’m obviously not in the correct demographic. Maybe I need a briar pipe…
@ZombieMutts – I’m also a big fan of suspenders
@Lich – I never really thought of it as a preppy trend, but I also grew up in the middle of nowhere and likely just missed it. I’ve always associated it with douchey frat types.
Suspenders make pants so much comfier, I don’t know why they’re not hip!
Baseball Zombie SURVIVED WOOT xD
I’ve got to me honest: baseball zombie is one of my favorite zombies. I just couldn’t kill him off.
Damn skippy! that is just freakin’ awesome!
Well done!
Thank you kindly!
Off topic
Anyone seen Paranormal Activity 2? They released it on NF streaming this week…really good. I loved the first.
I haven’t been able to talk the old lady into watching it. The first one freaked her out pretty good.
We watched The Burrowers last night though. Not a great film, but the cinematography is pretty beautifully done.
You might be able to talk her into “100 Feet” Its really good and the freakout factor is a few notches lower.
Is that like zombies wouldn’t survive because of the spine impacting into the brain or something? 😀
hah…no but I like that thinking.
effin love paranormal activity. saw both in theaters.
I liked the first quite a bit, and am intrigued by the sequel. I just worry that too much of the magic is the nostalgia factor.
I think clown zombie might be my favorite but it would be funny if at some point the baseball zombie had a bat somehow idk can zombies use blunt weapons??? In TWD one uses a rock doesnt he?
Well they couldn’t really use the weapons, but they could definitely pick stuff up any carry it around. In fact, I’ve features riot control zombies that are still dragging around their shields and nightsticks.
You’re right about clown zombie though. Clown zombie is awesome.
One of the things I really hated about Resident Evil 5 was the “zombies'” use of weapons (even machine guns… Now that was a pain in the rear…)
I think that zombies should be incapable of tool use.
Completely agreed. I never did get around to RE5. In RE4 they used weapons too, but they weren’t actually zombies so it was a bit more understandable.
I told’ja so.
What’d you tell us?
And I quote: “Oh no! Dave left it off on a high note! The next comic can’t end good!” 😉
And so you did. Credit where due, sir.
need to be shallow for a sec… I love the hair on the chopped of head. kind of farrah faucet hair.
And i really hope those zombies get major heartburn for eating Jeff. I really liked him. Was really hoping to avoid the inevitable. =(
Maybe it is Farrah Faucet!
She died not too long ago as I recall.
I liked Jeff too. At least he went out with a running chainsaw.
Yeah, I think Jeff should have died screaming, “Choke on ’em! Choke on ’em!”
That’s such a badass way to leave this world.
Yeah, I’m a big fan of this hair too. I need to find another place to use it.
Hey, even celebs can become zombies! Except for Bill Murray. 🙂
P.S. This “Reply” chain is very funny looking.
Hah, that it is.
I never liked Jeff any way so win win for me!
Hah, fair enough.
I remmember a while back dave said something bout a contest that affects the comic.So Dave when can we assume a contest that effects the comic?
Are you sure that wasn’t TheDudePerson from Zombie Outbrick (another outstanding comic)?
Hmm… I might have suggested a contest idea like that, when everyone was discussing what the next contest would be.
I think it’d be a pretty cool idea, Dave… 😉
And I forgot to say, thanks for the compliment as well!
No problem. Your strip is off to a great start. I can’t wait to see where it’s going.
Thanks Dave!
Haha, I was just beginning to think of my comic as fairly well-established… But then again, it’s been around for just over 6 months, and my characters have only killed 2 zombies… Not to mention, they haven’t even left the floor they’re on, much less the office building itself…
So a start it is, really. But I can’t wait to see where it’s going, either… 😉
Yeah, I’d say Zombie Outbrick is definitely still in it’s first chapter, but there’s not a damn thing wrong with that. I like the slow, contemplate pace of it, personally.
Hey Dude…if you don’t mind me asking and don’t take this as a criticism…
Why don’t you have your content on the first page? First rule of teh internet blogging is that people are lazy and I wonder if you’re missing out on views by making people click to enter the comic.
That’s true. As the old saying goes, every story has its beginning.
(Or is that just an advertising catchphrase for prequels?)
I’m glad you like the pace so far, obviously I’m not intent on rushing the story!
No no. Take your time. In hindsight, I wish I would have spent more time at the beginning of BotD instead of pushing the characters out of the house so quickly.
Whoops, I guess I took a little too long to reply to Dave’s comment…
That may be a good idea, ZombieMutts.
I might try that… Although part of me is very attached to having a “main” or “home” page… Unfortunately, I haven’t yet found a simple way to have a main page with my content on it (like the way it’s set up here, at BotD) without the use of pesky and widely-disliked “iframes.” I’m not sure whether or not I’ll throw out my main page, just yet.
But it’s a duly noted suggestion!
Dave what do you think about my comment? You’ve run more sites than I have.
I totally agree. Having the comic on the homepage is going to draw people in faster. I’ve seen other site that use ComicFury do it (YOLT , Glomshire Knights, and Block Tales spring readily to mind), but I couldn’t speak to how it’s done.
I could always switch my “homepage” to be the “latest comic” page on ComicFury, but then I couldn’t really have anything specifically for main/homepages there… Or perhaps I could, I’ll have to figure something out…
I’ll be thinking about ways to execute this properly.
A chainsaw wouldn’t necessarily cut through flesh and bone like butter.. It would sure shred through the skin with ease. Bone on the other hand are stronger than wood just by a bit.. And well our flesh is stringy and so are our ligaments, muscles, and so on.. So really a chainsaw would be good for only one.. Then it will jam up until you have pulled out all the stringy flesh crowding up the chains path.
I know its a gory way to think, but its true.
I see you’ve given this a lot of thought.
Perhaps he’s speaking from experience…
I’m beginning to wonder if we should be worried!
The detail about the gore jamming up the chainsaw did seem particularly vivid, now that you mention it.
Took anatomy and physiology… Know how some tools work, and I have a very scenario filled mind…
Plus y’all aren’t the first people to believe that I could have killed somebody.. Which is strange… OH WELL!
This is probably as good a place as any to ask; how exactly do your zombies distinguish living humans from other zombies? How did they know that Jeff there wasn’t one of them yet? He sure looked like one after all…