Zombie Cliché Lookout:
Euthanasia is a touchy subject, and it’s likely to stay that way even in the zombie apocalypse. We’ll probably have to come up with some sort of new specialized term for putting someone out of their grotesque second life, but let’s just cross that bridge when we come to it, shall we? In the meantime, re-killing friends and family is going to be something that most well-adjusted people are going to have a hard time dealing with. We might consider ourselves bad-ass zombie killing machines, but all bets are off when we’re asked to off our former best friend, wife, or even that irritating guy in the group that you bonded with despite never really liking all that much.

Worst idea ever.
Really? Worse than blimps filled with hydrogen?
Quite possibly yes. I say possibly ’cause I have no idea how hydrogen will work in a blimp… 😐
It works great, at least until there’s a spark: like this.
Oh, the humanity!
Though, I do recall reading that most of the people on board the Hindenburg survived… more than one can say for most any plane crash.
Yes way worse. They probably going to have to waist another bullet and Sam and probaly some zombies will get curious. Sam will worry and some zombies will go to the sound and will put the whole crew in trouble.
wait eating the undead is way worse.
Yeah, eating the undead seems like a very bad idea.
That was a surprise.
Is that sarcasm?
No, honestly, I didn’t expect that.
I’m going to guess that either Stewart or Murphy will deliver the final blow to Shannon. It would probably be to painful for Cheryl to do it.
I’m curious what everyone else predicts here.
I predict Shannon will turn but will get shot by Murphy before anyone has a chance to react! 😀
Murphy may be dumb but at least he’s got trained reflexes that will help him when unexpected zombification happens! 😉
You guys are going to be so surprised when a second Stewart shows up – from the future – and shoots Shannon with his laser pistol.
Oh yeah, spoiler alert.
Maybe you should publish Monday’s comic early so we can quit hanging around for the suspense! (/joke)
I think it would be very poetic and ironic if Cheryl ended up having to take care of Shannon. She seemed closest with Shannon, and would be doing her a last friendly favor, in a twisted way.
Also, the “macho male”/ “squeamish female” role reversal between her and Murphy and Stewart would be an interesting bit of irony… say, if neither Murphy nor Stewart could handle the idea of doing that kind of thing to a “girl.”
Also, that last shot is great. I had never noticed the crow’s feet on Cheryl’s face design before, they give her that “weathered” kind of look, like she’s been through a lot (and she has, now.) It seems like this could be kind of a transformation for Cheryl, as she might become somewhat cold and bitter after losing her friend this way.
I know… that last panel has me wanting to caption it with: “This is my angry face.”
Love it!
(I can’t decide on a usename now…I’ll stick witht his.
Anyway, I wonder about thsi scenario…if someone gets bitten, and dies, and then has their head destroyed before coming back…
Will it stop them from becoming a zombie, since they didn[‘t turn, OR will it create some kind of super-zombie that doesn’t need a head or brain, only bloodlust?
No head/brain = no zombie, I think.
The body has no control center without its brain, so there is nothing that could send the appropriate signals to so much as make the limbs move.
Also, how would a headless zombie kill people, and fulfill its “bloodlust?” Without a head, one loses most of one’s sensory input. A truly headless zombie would have no sight, smell, nor hearing to find humans with.
If said zombie could even walk around, it would be stumbling around aimlessly without any direction whatsoever. With only its sense of feel to go by, it could very well confuse other zombies for living humans.
Then again, how would it have a sense of feel? The way the body receives all sensory input (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) is through signals that are sent to and processed by the brain.
No brain = no senses, = no way to find humans = DEAD.
The reanimation of the corpse (in the process of zombification) is not in itself a definite event. Meaning, corpses don’t come back to life no matter what; there is a sort of physical limit on the state of the body in question.
Depending on the story, I’m pretty sure headless corpses would not rise again as zombies, or else how would shooting them in the head work in the first place?
Hm, good argument. I was questioning myself about it while typing with the same points, but still.. . What if the super zombie was a scavenger-like thing that used the parts of other bodies to repair itself? It would just feel around all the time until it finds a head it could use, which could then become zombified when it uses it…
I should stop already. These are cool ideas but Dav’es got his own. Not that I was suggesting anything. By this point i don’t even know why I’m about to press “submit”.
Yeah, in this universe anyway, no head/brain means the corpse doesn’t zombify.
The ideas are interesting. Sounds like it would work better as some sort of rogue AI than a zombie though.
“no head/brain means the corpse doesn’t zombify.”
As much as all of us were arguing Zombie definitions a few weeks back that is indeed a requirement of my somewhat loose set of rules to be a zombie. Otherwise you’re basically talking about Golem’s.
Oh, I didn’t even think about golems. That works better than a rogue AI.
The whole time I’m reading your argument, I can’t get the image of the headless body running around the warehouse at the beginning of Return of the Living Dead out of my mind.
I get the bad feeling that when things really do go down and the zombies rise, we’re going to be following the wrong rulebook and Return is going to be more accurate than the more popular zombie media. Then all our “reference material” that preaches headshots and decapitations will be useless…
God, I hope now. Return zombies are pretty well indestructible.
no headshots?use a flamethrower!
“…….. Return of the Living Dead out of my mind.”
Worst movie of all time and I want to punch every single involved for making the rest of us suffer through “BRAAAAAAAINS” comments everytime a zombie is mentioned.
Purists shouldn’t consider it a zombie movie anyway.
*adjusts nerd glasses*
off topic but nice gravatar what ois it whjatevetr it is it’s awesome!
I think it was the first Balder’s Gate game for the PS2, there’s a church scene where you’re battling headless zombies in it. You’ve got to look closely at the icons of all the undead in there while playing it.
A couple of other games address this issue, but they don’t always stop and have a time out for dialogue and this is how zombies are… you’ve got more kewl graphics and what looks good for your character to wade through and kill. And with a fantasy setting, magic explains why there can be a headless zombie or corpse shambling about.
“A wizard did it” is such a great reason to write in the fantasy genre.
in “hungry are the dead” there is headless zombies. gotta shoot’em in the neck. its a game where you’re in a tower and you have to kill zombies so that they wont get inside and kill you.
Shooting them in the neck sounds like a hell of a challenge. That’s a small target.
If she dies before she becomes a zombie, maybe she could become a ghost? They really need help avoiding zombies and this could be one possible way she could help the group without being a burden on them. I’m also thinking it would be for a limited time.
Perhaps, then, they should kill her before she becomes a zombie! I’m going to tune in next Monday to find out how Dave will handle this!
That last sentence is dead on.
crap my router brok and i can’t see it 🙁 oh well i’ll probably see it soon anyway i’m done i finshed my moc i changed it from my origanal story but it’s still good also i made alot of typos cuz i’m on my? pantech gettoing my sisters old android…sometime.can’t wait for you to see it are cell phone pics alowwed? anyway bye.
almost forgot it’s called “facility Z”that is all…bye.
Sounds interesting.
Cell photos are allowed. Hell, you could make your own pinhole camera and use that to photograph the MOC. Doesn’t matter.
You should strive for good photography, regardless of what camera you’re using. Good photography can make a great creation look merely good.
If only they had a golf club, then they could at least have a laugh when doing it! Or that just my sick sense of humor.
Hah, that’s definitely take this comic in a weird direction.
Clearly Dr. Frederick Frankenstein needs to make an appearance here for a delightful little duet with Shannon.
Happens to the best of us.
Such a subtle genius joke so poorly executed. Such amazing fail.
How did my brain, of all things, remember the father but not the main character……….
Meh, you probably haven’t read the book since high school or college, right? Memory can be a real asshole sometimes.
Do you pronounce it, “Froderick Fronk-un-steen?” 😉
redemption is MINE!
Hmmm, I think cheryl’s too human to maul a dead body, but there’s no way in heck she’ll let anyone else do it. I think that shannon’ll come back as a zed, then cheryl will lop the head off.. Then we’ll have the whole guilt thing. I shudder to think what’ll happen when we next see sam. I think the guys will run into him as the make their escape, but we’ll only see the back of head…. cliffhanger!!!
Now that’s some well though out theorizing.
sometime it pays to have a brain like a file-o-fax…
Anticipating some violence?
I would recommend some psychiatric help, Nate.
Question- Are you going to BrickFair? If so, you need to get one of the BA Southside Gangsters!
No, no conferences for me this year. I might try to get to one next year if time and budget permit.
That stinks. You can always pay G.I. Brick $29.50 and he’ll pick you one up. He’s doing that for me. 🙂
Hah, tempting. The only thing I’d really want from that is the shotgun though.
But what about the Terminator face that comes with it?
Meh, it’s okay. Nothing to write home about.
wait what are you guys talking about?sounds neat!
At Brickfair 2011, Brickarms is going to be selling a minifigure called the “Southside Gangster” that comes with a Tommy Gun, Remington-style shotgun, M1911, M1917 Revolver Time Bomb with brief case and a few other things.
Hah…thats awesome. Very cool. I wish someone at a booth there would sell series 1 zombies.
looks…historic if i add some flesh would be good for lego la noire too bad it’s $25.00 overall i would’nt get this A.it’s a bit pricey B.i’m not going to brickworld man i’ve never been to a lego convention they don’t host them around here much plus tickets are expensive!
Brick Fair. Also, G.I. Brick will buy some for people. I’m doing it, for all you get.
Does anyone know if they hold anything like this in the Dallas area?
I think there’s Brick Fiesta in Texas.
Nik where are you on Flickr and why aren’t you one of my contacts?
I’m Bren926.
As a matter of fact, I’m Bren926 on everything. Brickarms forum, Xbox 360, Roblox, everything. Except for here.
Ah…dude with the camo sheets..
They really are great sheets.
My woman is out of town until Sunday…I am trying VERY hard to find some Lego bedsheets by the time she gets back just to see her reaction.
Winnie the Pooh or Thomas the Train get some funny looks. Especially when you put them everywhere. Couch, table cloth, bed, I even got my friend to make a jacket of the material.
Thats a dedication to comedy!
Yes, well one of the friends that was living with me had brought along some baby book for “sentimental reasons.” As you would think, we always made fun of him for it. so one day when he went to the movies, we pulled the prank.
ROBLOX am i the only one who plays blockland anymore?well they average 500 users a day so guess not anyway i don’t play roblox alot anymore but i’m tyzan8 if you want too add me.
Never heard of Blockland.
i cant do roblox on my computer. nor can i do minecraft. =,(
gonna try blockland though.
i tryed to get HQ shots or at least the best i could do problem is idk what to submit em to…
You can’t sign up for Flickr?
still won’t let me but i got em up on photobucket now i need to link it…better fix my modem and fast!
Okay, once you get them finished, put a link up in the contest page. Either I or ZombieMutts will get them posted to Flickr on your behalf.
ok thanks guys!
the way she said that she said that makes me think they are gonna kill her before she turns
Next Ep thoughts:
Looks back at the body:
Cheryl: “Wait where’d she go?”
Murphy: “I presume that on the topic of our dilemma and our petty little squabbles at each other made us unaware that the virus or other necroressurecting agent must have activated the post shannon and trundled off into the black.
*Everyone Stares*
Murphy: What?!
Next Ep Thoughts 2
Cheryl: So everyone who’ll help me dispose of the body put you hand on top of mine in the middle of the group.
*She puts her hand in the middle of the group*
*Slap* Slap* *Slap*
Murphy: Hangon there’s only three of us here.
Shannon: MrAuuuuugHWRR
Hah, awesome.
I’ve decided to make a webcomic, and the first named character has the same name as the first named character here too!
What Inez Louis?
cool. when you get it started put the name here.
Off to a nice start, Nikolai!
Wonder what Sam is up to?
Probably sitting on the ladder, trying to avoid getting eaten. Same ol’, same ol’.