Zombie Cliche Lookout: Only One Way Out
In the last episode, we talked about getting cornered by zombies, this time around, we’re taking it to the logical conclusion. When you get cornered by zombies, there’s only one thing to do: go right through them. Well, I suppose you could just do nothing and get eaten by zombies, but that doesn’t really make for much of a story. Unless you’re into that sort of thing, in which case, that’s weird, dude.
Nope, the only real answer is to pull up your boot straps and charge right through that horde, maybe taking a handful of them out on your way through. Form is important here. You can’t just run through with your back straight and your arms flailing. That’s not going to cut it. Keep your center of gravity nice and low, drop your shoulder, and charge. A battle cry wouldn’t hurt. You know, if you prepared something.
About this Episode:
Well I don’t know what kind of voodoo I was cursed with in the last episode, because I had no such issue with lighting this time around. Yay?
Discussion Question: How Much Horde?
Remember when the internet was young, and it seemed like every other site was one of those “personality tests” that told you which Sailor Moon character you were, or how many babies you could eat. That’s before the internet got silly. Let’s harken back to those glorious old days, shall we? Only without all the multiple choice questions, because those are a big drag. So everyone has to be super honest, and figure out how big of a horde of zombies they could run through. Let’s assume that this horde is in a location that would limit lateral movement, like a corridor. Assume about five zombies per row, how many rows of zombies could you get through?
And, is this the dumbest question we’ve had so far? Probably it is.
Typo alert: Zombie cliche lookout. second paragraph, fifth sentence: should–>shoulder. 😀
About this Episode: curses–>cursed. 😉
Discussion Question: Last paragraph, it–>is 😛
Got’em, thanks BrickVoid.
Well, they both seem off to a good start, but how did she either get eaten or become a zombie? Possibly because as the woman of the group, she is the stereotypically weaker person, but what use of this Dave makes I have no idea – yet! 😀
Oh, I don’t like those “woman of the group” cliches. Remember, she’s already been bitten.
Was that in-comic or off-screen? If it was the latter, I think you should fix that if you can, as otherwise it introduces a ‘great unknown’ infection method that probably happened. 😀
The bite was off-screen, but it was discussed in-comic.
I have a problem with that sort of thing, mainly because it’s harder to track down in the comic archives if someone wasn’t seen bitten and was reportedly bitten. While you have a lot of leeway, if some zombie is going to get credit for biting someone and infecting them, I’m sure they’d prefer it was on-screen! 😀
Regarding the discussion question: Is the doorway to the corridor centrally located, or offset to one corner, or in a position completely inaccessible to the zombies in the corridor itself?
It would be much more advantageous to someone with a door in a corner of a corridor, because there’s one wall and the door makes a choke point where every zombie has to try and get through if they want to have at their assailants. Also, is this a single-door entrance, or a double-door entrance, or even a revolving door? 😀
Let’s say centrally located; can’t give you guys too many advantages.
Like three. Depending on weapons. With a good shotgun or automatic/semi-automatic weapon I could probably take on four or five rows. A short sword like a gladius or saber would give me three or four. A blunt weapon like a crowbar or bludgeon of sorts would give me two to three. Hopefully that’s all the zombies in the room at that point. XD
I love the idea of charging into a horde of zombies with a gladius. Is that something you keep handy?
Wouldn’t a good old fashioned big ass shield come in very handy in this situation?
If I understand correctly, this is the very first time Sam is confronted with the Zombies. (the boss before was only speaking of sickness and death), all though his wife has been bitten. Probably there are people walking around there who they know.
Given that they don’t exactly know what is going on, would they just start “killing” and heavily beating into ‘Sick’ people who they may know?
(Just wondering, even if the premise I talk about in the beginning is wrong, it’s still an interesting question to me)
Excellent, excellent question. I tried to address this non-verbally here. If you notice, Sam isn’t actually attacking anyone; he’s just pushing through. Sarah, on the other hand, has already dealt with them before, and she’s simply attacking.
If they are slow zeds, then about three or four rows Hulking out. At about 5 or more I could see getting bit or doing something sloppy that would make me a candidate for the next Governor of Fun
Governor of Fun, eh? That certainly sounds interesting.
Love this comic so so so so so so so so so so so so so MUCH!!!!
Hah, thanks PJ.
Wow, everyone is so optimistic. Given a decent gun, I think I could do two rows. I’m a good shot, but a slow shot. Assuming a hand weapon of some sort and enough room to swing it, I think I could get one row before being overtaken. With no weapons? Maybe 1/2 a row?
Fighting is not my forte.
I happen to know my weaknesses. At a relatively decent velocity, I could smash through a crowd pretty easily. The question, also, is not “How many would you kill”, but “How many would you get through?” Although I am aware of the fact that I am not fit, with a weapon in hand at fast speed, nothing could stand in my way for like a minute.
For whatever reason, I have been equipped by genetics with a physique uniquely adapted to that kind of thing. Average height (Barely) but very broad. If we were playing LOTR, I would be Gimli. Even at that, I have a hard time believing that I could get though more then 3-4 tightly spaced rows without getting bit. The problem is that you are likely to get tangled up or loose momentum after the first row or two. The zeds dont need to stop you, just bite you. On the other hand, if the rows were 6+ feet apart then I could get though 3-4 rows pretty easily, maybe more provided I had space between rows to recover a bit and regain some speed.
I’d rather not think about plowing into a scrum of zombies. I’m not built for that sort of thing. At five zombies per row, and assuming the zombies know how to grab and hold, maybe one row. Anything more than that, forget it.
Pistol in one hand, big-assed knife in the other, and what an abysmal waste… Getting cornered by a mob is one of my worst fears.