Episode 725: Now What?

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Zombie Cliche Lookout: Task Focus

I’ve read before that a good strategy for getting through a survival situation is to focus on one problem at a time; one imagines this would also work in the zombie apocalypse. The idea is that, instead of quickly getting overwhelmed with all the different things that you have to do, you break things down, prioritize, and only handle the most important thing until it’s handled. Multi-tasking is difficult in the best of times, and will be far more difficult in the event of a zombie outbreak. Priority should be set by following a standard hierarchy of needs, starting with personal security. That means make sure you’re safe from zombies before you start worrying about what’s for dinner.

About This Episode:

This episode changes pretty radically between what I scripted and what I ended up shooting. I wrote the script away from my LEGO collection, and had to rely on memory. In my memory, the house I’m using for Ted and Vicky’s place had a rear window. In reality, it doesn’t. The original script called for Barb to land on the ground outside the window, and then take out the near by zed. Since this wasn’t going to happen, I tweaked things a bit by having Barb’s landing happen off screen, and spent more time with the zombie before it was taken out.

Discussion Question: Characters’ Physical Builds

I’m adapting today’s discussion question from a comment from Steam Powered Spam, in which he asked how I pictured each of my character’s looking physically, since the LEGO bodies are all exactly the same. I thought it was a really cool question, because I do indeed have a clear mental picture of these people. That said, I thought it might be fun to see how my notions compared with those of my readers.

So tell me, what do these characters look like? Heavy or thin? Tall or short? Muscular or fat? I’ll add my comments downstream a bit.

14 thoughts on “Episode 725: Now What?”

  1. No typos but this sentence could be rewritten a little better:

    “The idea is that, instead of quickly getting overwhelmed with all the different things that you have to do, you break things down, prioritize, and only handle the most important thing at a time until it’s handled.”

    I suggest removing “at a time” since the rest of the sentence already implies this in it’s construction. Compare:

    “The idea is that, instead of quickly getting overwhelmed with all the different things that you have to do, you break things down, prioritize, and only handle the most important thing until it’s handled.”

    • Good suggestion; I’ve changed the sentence.

  2. Of course, with a zombie apocalypse scenario focusing on one task at a time might not be possible. There might be several tasks all of which need attention simultaneously or almost right one after the other, like sequences in a movie. it is clear, though, that the tasks of utmost importance should be attended to first and foremost.

    Real life often gets like that, and people as a whole tend to adapt in different ways to this kind of pressure.

    • Right you are. As with all strategies, adaptability is likely going to be important.

  3. I wonder, Ted and Vicky’s house, did it have a basement and just a ground floor, or a first floor or attic, as well? Since Barb’s on the ground, it might be entirely possible we just can’t see the first floor from the perspective of the ground, and because it didn’t have much of a view to it, they simply decided to fill in a window or not install one during construction, and simply left it as a blank back wall section. It’s therefore possible Barb’s huffing is because she had to come down a story and therefore probably had to climb down something like a drainpipe or other invisible off-screen exterior fitting we just can’t see right now.

    Anyway, the tan and green doesn’t seem too bad looking, although it does have a dark grey section dividing it, this would be where they built on top of the basement foundations, IMHO.

    • It’s a two story home with a basement.

      I also like the color scheme. It’s one that would look decent on a real house.

  4. “Hey guys!! I got one!!”

    Well about today’s question, I would assume Barb is the tough and sexy heroine. We all know Sam is a bit plump since we saw him half naked already. I still have to imagine the others LOL.

    • Barb is definitely the tough, take no nonsense type. I didn’t picture her as sexy per se.

      • Yet…

  5. Well I should ask, are these “movie” people where everyone is fit and gorgeous except for the token fat person or are we dealing with more everyday people?

    • Commenter’s choice. I picture them as fairly normal looking people though.

  6. Oh dont I feel special ^.^

    Thanks Dave for using that!

    Myself I imagine then all as more ‘normal’ looking peoples. Those who work in an office setting I imagine to be portly, those who are technictions or laborers I imagine to have a stocky square shaped build. Everyone else I see as average. Not too fat, not too slim, not too muscular.

    And imagine Daves avatar in this world has hired a body builder to stand in for him :3

    • Wait, are you implying that I don’t look like a fitness model in real life? If so, I am deeply offended.

  7. I’m going to add my mental picture of the character as the text for tomorrow’s comic instead of the standard write-up.