Episode 520: Employment Status

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Zombie Cliche Lookout: Simpler Times

If you look hard enough, you can always find a silver lining on any cloud. Even clouds as big and dark as the clouds of the zombie apocalypse. Actually, there are a lot of people out there who fantasize about it, but that’s just because they’re focusing way too much on those positives, and completely ignoring the overwhelming majority of negatives. But I digress.

Without a doubt, one of the most obvious good things about the zombie apocalypse is that it simplifies things completely. We live in an incredibly complex world. Nearly everyone has a specialized job, we all depend on an intricate web of products and services from around the world to survive. Making ends meet requires constant work and attention. We have to be well aware of our finances in both the short term and the long term. But when the zombies show up, all we need to do is not get eaten and find food and potable water.

Easy, right? Well, probably not easy, but at least it’s not complicated.

About this Episode:

I wanted to make Murphy’s little speech here come off as really hollow and unsettling, sort of like he was talking to no one in particular. You know the scene, where some character explains what’s really going on, but does it with a thousand-yard stare at nothing, while everyone else sits around in rapt attention. The problem is that makes for an awfully boring episode where it looks like I just use the same picture four times, so instead I had Inez and Brent loading up supplies while Murphy talked.

Discussion Question: Hated Complications

So obviously we live in a world that isn’t overrun by zombies. That means we have fairly complex lives. By and large, I’m sure we’re mostly okay with that, but I’m betting there are little things that drive us completely crazy. So if the zombies do happen to bring down civilization, what little thing about modern life will you miss the least?

18 thoughts on “Episode 520: Employment Status”

  1. This is cool

    • Thanks!

  2. Typo alert, Zombie Cliche Lookout, first paragraph, third sentence: fantasize–>fantasizing 😀

    Same section, same sentence, after this typo, and after the comma: to–>too 😉

    Same section, second paragraph, first sentence: thing–>things 😀

    Same section, same paragraph, fourth sentence: Makes–>Making 🙂

    About This Episode, first sentence: hallow–>hollow 😀 NOTE: Murphy definitely doesn’t want to consecrate or sanctify this speech of his! 😉

    Nice lot of typos there, Dave! 😀 Hope you find and fix ’em all! 😉

    • Wow, that is a healthy batch of typos. Good lord.

      I rewrote a good deal of today’s post, and apparently reused a bit too much of my old stuff.

  3. As to Murphy’s “or them” remark, I was kind of hoping the zombies were close enough to be heard! But it doesn’t look that way yet! 😀

    • Hah, it does kind of look like he’s pointing or gesturing toward something in the distance, doesn’t it?

      • Call it instinct, Murphy’s a cop, albeit an ex in this apocalypse, his training will be telling him trouble will have followed Stew and Brent home, and it’s highly likely to be zombie trouble! 😀

        • Hah, that’s a good theory; I like it.

  4. I’m also interested to see just how many supplies Brent got and whether he got any that might not be really needed in a zombie apocalypse! 😀

    This is one time I wish the depth of field in the first image was a little sharper and deeper! 😉

    • Brent got nothing but pop-tarts!

      In all seriousness, there’s not a lot to see in the fuzzy area; just a few boxes and a crate. Of course, that crate is fairly important.

  5. You want to know the best thing about Z-land? No- no Facebook status updates. You know, Rob Curtis is gearing up for Friday. Who cares?

    • Hah! Great line.

  6. No more bills. 🙂

    • Oh, good call Kim.

  7. One thing I suppose a lot of people won’t care about is fast food and junk food. If you’re suddenly trying to survive in a zombie apocalypse, you might become a zombie’s next fast food meal if you’re too slow, and as for the junk food well you’re going to get plenty of exercise running away and keeping fit enough to avoid zombies. A bonus to this is that people with excess fat will in the long term become fitter and healthier, if they find the right balance of foods! 😀

    • Excellent points here, BV.

  8. I wont miss a boring computer work.

    • What kind of work do you do?