Robot Inventor 51515

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Step into the captivating world of LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor (51515) and delve into a realm of boundless creativity. Build an ensemble of five mesmerizing robots using the ingenious free LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor App, which empowers you to animate each creation with unmatched precision, utilizing an intuitive coding environment based on Scratch. Equipped with an array of cutting-edge features including an intelligent Hub, omniscient sensors, and potent motors, this extraordinary set imbues young inventors with invaluable STEM expertise while unleashing their ingenuity to design bespoke tech toy marvels that can be shared among fellow enthusiasts on the esteemed LEGO Life platform.

Oct 2020
Jul 2023

Unveiling the LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor Set (51515)

In the world of LEGO, nothing is more enthralling and exciting for a tech-savvy youngster than crafting their own intelligent, motorized contraptions. Last year, this thrill soared to new heights with the release of LEGO’s Mindstorms Robot Inventor set (51515). A must-have treasure in every young inventor’s collection, it stands out as a quintessential blend of programming, remote-controls, and physical structures.

First Impressions & Attributes

Comprising nearly 1000 pieces, this technicolor extravaganza creates an immersive playing experience that leaves kids yearning for more. The biggest engaging factor is the opportunity to construct five different motorized robots and vehicles, each unique in function and design. Also known as Charlie, Tricky, Blast, M.V.P., and Gelo, these creations whisk children away into a mesmerizing adventure of creativity and technology.

The Building Expedition

The magic truly unfolds as children utilize the free LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor App to breathe life into their inventions. Through this application’s drag-and-drop coding environment powered by Scratch, youngsters participate in delightful activities and undertake challenging missions that encourage problem-solving while igniting a passion for Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics (STEM).

21st Century Learning Toolkit

Marketing more than just immersive gaming entertainment, LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor (51515) is nothing short of an innovative digital classroom. Equipped with an intelligent Hub featuring a 5×5 LED screen, a six-axis gyro, speaker, sophisticated motors, and delicate sensors; it plays an integral role in helping children develop crucial twenty-first-century skills. From coding to critical thinking, children can drift effortlessly into the realm of STEM learning while having an absolute blast.

Tangible Measures

The tallest robot within this collection tops at over 14” (36cm), whereas Gelo measures over 9” (24cm) long. Ensuring added convenience is a rechargeable battery that promises seamless playtime without worrying about replacing the power source midway through the fun-filled exploratory journey.

The vibrant array of pieces included such as the four Medium Motors, Color Sensor, Distance Sensor with break-out interface are also compatible with other sets like ‘LEGO BOOST Creative Toolbox (17101)’, and ‘Droid Commander (75253)’, thereby extending the horizon of imagination and creativity.

A Gift that Keeps on Giving

Apart from being an invigorating engagement platform for kids aged ten years and above during birthdays or Christmas celebrations; this magnificent set serves another commendable purpose. It instills a constructive hobby among children while fostering necessary skills that would benefit them in their future endeavors. Such as programming basics with Python support for the advanced coders.

Final Thoughts

The LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor set serves as proof that learning can be fun if approached creatively. It unleashes every child’s inner engineer, programmer or designer while keeping them captivated for hours on end. Try one yourself today and witness your child’s transformation into a true innovator!

Product Specs
Product Specs
Product Name: Robot Inventor
Pieces 949
RRP £314.99 / $359.99 / 359.99€
Release Year 2020
Theme Mindstorms
Instructions Lego Robot Inventor Instructions