Episode 830: Negotiation

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Zombie Cliche Lookout: Quid Pro Quo

While it doesn’t have any zombies in it, I’m reminded of the famous scenes in The Silence of the Lambs wherein Clarice has to agree to a trade with Hannibal Lecter for information she needs in her case. It’s an ugly an unpleasant compromise for her, but it’s the only way forward. Also, and this might have something to do with things, I’m re-reading Red Dragon right now.

At any rate, Murphy is in similar straights. He can give up his only weapon to move forward, or things take a very different turn.

About this Episode:

Today is the Memorial Day holiday here in the United States. Typically, I take the day off from the comic for all holidays, but I decided not to in this case for a couple of reasons. First, since we’re winding down the comic it seems silly to take days off where they aren’t completely needed. Second, as a way of making up for the comics I missed recently when I didn’t have a table. I’ll likely do the same on the Fourth of July.

That said, I am going to be quite negligent with comments. I’ll do my best to get caught up on Tuesday, but I’ll also be playing catch up at work, so I’ll likely miss most of the discussion. I will, of course, do my best to fix the numerous typos I’m sure to make.

Discussion Question: Interesting How?

So clearly Bill is making a pretty direct threat in the last panel here. He’s saying that Murphy has the choice of handing over his weapon, or getting summarily executed where he stands. But what if there’s another way to read his threat? Like, perhaps, his gun isn’t loaded, and Murphy not listening is effectively calling his bluff. I’m sure you guys can conjure much more interesting scenarios, of course.

8 thoughts on “Episode 830: Negotiation”

  1. Typo alerts: Lector–>Lecter 😀 Even Google backs me up on this one! 😀

    ” seems silly to take days of” of–>off 😀

    Not bad, Dave, only two typos for today! 😀 But misspelling that famous name, gee, how did you do that? 😀

  2. As for the Discussion Question, there’s one really shocking and surprising thing that Murphy could do to make things interesting real fast, and send Henry into a panic attack: Shoot Bill.

    And ask questions later, if he survives the shooting incident! 😀

    Murphy seems to have some kind of ace up his sleeve, though, the proverbial one that says “I can do whatever the hell I please and there ain’t nobody who can stop me!” 😀 It’ll be interesting to see what Wednesday’s episode brings! 😀

    • Would love to see that smile wiped off of Henry’s face! 😀

  3. Today, my electric kettle broke down on me, so I trashed it. I’m therefore without water for making brewed tea with until Wednesday, when I can get a replacement for it. This makes for an interesting Discussion Question:

    How will one cope with finding drinkable and uncontaminated water in the zombie apocalypse? Let’s say water that has had zombies in it for too long is not fit to drink and needs purification first or you might turn into one of the zombies. How do you go about assessing water needs when you need water but don’t know what’s safe to drink?

  4. Regarding the Discussion Question, an even more evil thought popped into my head: Murphy could shoot Henry instead of Bill, although the latter seems to be calling the shots and trying to up the ante. I wonder which of the two getting shot first will bring down the greater pandemonium? 😀

  5. I know Dave said late Tuesday, but how late on Tuesday? 😀

    • I fixed typos, but haven’t had time to do comments. Sorry all.

      • Hah! Nice! At least you’re able to do something! Right? 😀