Episode 538: Lucky One

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Zombie Cliche Lookout:

Of course, not everyone can be lucky enough to be rescued at the last minute. If that were true, the whole zombie apocalypse thing would never quite get off the ground, and what a shame would that be? That said, not all of those victims are lucky enough to be quickly killed by their undead attackers. Some linger on in horrible agony as the zombies slowly tear them apart. Others are “rescued”, but only after they’ve been bitten. That leaves them with little left to do except to slowly degrade and and die, possibly reanimating and giving their former friends and loved ones a nasty surprise.

About this Episode:

And then this happened to Brent. Sure, he was a bit of a pain in the ass, but he wasn’t really a bad guy. Why did Cheryl choose to save Stewart, who was fighting a single zombie and may have been able to make do on his own? Well, that’s the question, now isn’t it?

Other News: And the winners are…

Our WInners, Ladies and Gentlemen

So here we are. There were some incredible entries once again, and I had a hell of a time making these choices. Congratulations to the winners; I’ll be reaching out to you shortly to get mailing info. To the runners up, thank you so much for your entries. I’ll definitely be featuring some of my favorites over the next couple of weeks.

Finally, to the contest sponsors, GI Brick and Citizen Brick, you guys are awesome and I love you. I hope everyone hits them up the next time they need LEGO accessories.

Discussion Question: Setting

What do you prefer in fiction: stories set in the real world, or stories set in a fantastical world? When I say fantastic world, I’m not talking about something like Middle Earth. Think about Marvel and DC here. Spiderman takes place in New York, Superman takes place in Metropolis, which is a fantasy version of New York.

20 thoughts on “Episode 538: Lucky One”

  1. I really rather have works of fiction take place in fantasy world. It feels more refreshing then having it take place someone you can picture perfectly in your mind.
    I like to picture the world and have fun with it. It’s nice to let go off the rules of our world and come up with your own.

    • So you like that the fantasy world is more malleable? I like that.

  2. Typo alerts:

    Zombie Cliche Lookout, last sentence: “left to do except for slowly degrade” for–>to 😀

    About This Episode, third sentence: “make due on his” due–>do 😉

    Same section, last sentence: “no isn’t it” no–>now 😀

    Lots of typos there, Dave! 😀

    • Fixed all, thank you, sir.

  3. Metropolis is a fantasy version of the good side of New York…Gotham is a fantasy version of the bad…

    As for your question about Cheryl, it makes perfect sense. Let me ask another, why do birds feed the strongest birds in the nest the most, to the point of ignoring the weakest?

    Cheryl might not have been able to take enough zombies in time to save Brent. If, while she was doing that, Stewart WASN’T able to fend of the one he’d asked for help dispatching, they’d both be dead.

    Helping Stewart was the best application of Cheryl’s limited resources in that it offered the greatest potential for the greatest number of people to survive. Simple triage. Not so simple when they’re both your friends…

    • The Metropolis/Gotham thing is interesting and makes a lot of sense. I didn’t know that.

      Also, excellent points on the Cheryl situation.

  4. I have a feeling that Brent has been bit…I might be wrong, but after so many zombie stories I always prepare for the WCS.

    • That is entirely possible.

  5. Starting from the top:
    Cheryl must have a closer bond to Stewart and Brent wore those shades ALL the time. Something is to be said about people like that.
    Great pics in the Contest and I couldn’t agree more with the outcome.
    And I always buy my stuff from them…and Brickarms, Minifig.cat and all the rest. Is there a glossary of locations to buy 3rd party accessories on your site?
    Plu, I prefer a fantasy world. This one blows. Look I sit in a 10×14 room mounted with dozens monitors to watch the world fall apart on a daily basis when my shift is over I like to veg out sometimes and this requires no real world attachment.

    • Brent will be remembered as the guy who wore sunglasses inside, and nothing else.

      And man, that comment about your job was depressing. Holy shit.

  6. @Dave “Brent will be remembered as the guy who wore sunglasses inside, and nothing else.”

    I’ll bet you Murphy will remember Brent for something else 😉

    BTW; he’s not in the bios, or did I not look correctly.

    • Wow, he isn’t in the bios. How did I miss that?

  7. Poor Brent, we barely knew you.

    • He’ll be missed. Kind of.

  8. I don’t know what will happen to Brent, but I kinda wish he’d stick around a while. Besides, Murphy has some chewing out to do of his own on him before Brent turns into a zombie and goes on his own chewing spree! 😀

    • Hah, well said.

  9. Congrats to the winners!

    • Yes indeed, a job well done!

  10. Yeah there are even times where we see things that will never get put on air. Such as a human smashed by a steel coil, severed body parts, Drunk driving accidents, war reporters and others I’m sure your imagination can fill in.
    WE (microwave operators) say we see things that can’t be unseen.

    • Good lord. You should get hazard pay for that, BT.