Zombie Cliche Lookout: Divided Forces
When attacked by zombies, it’s always tough to say how many there are and where they’re coming from. That’s one of the dangers of zombies. It’s very easy to get overconfident and think you’ve got a handle on things, if only because you don’t understand the breadth of the situation. Needless to say, this is extremely dangerous. Because they can’t communicate and formulate a plan, the zombies won’t simply all come from the same direction, targeting a perceived weak point. Instead, they will shamble in from every direction, each subsequent zombie following the one before it in a giant, disorganized mob.
So what’s the best way to react to this complete lack of unpredictability? Unfortunately, the best thing that you can do is cover as many contingencies as you can think of. Don’t simply address the problem you can see, but seek out other problems that maybe aren’t so obvious. Sure, it might be a waste of time and resources, but if you do manage to ferret out an issue before it becomes something far more deadly, then it’s all been worthwhile.
About this Episode:
I originally scripted this episode to be set in the cabin’s entryway, but there were a few problems with that. First, there are a couple of windows there, and I didn’t want our characters to be able to simply look outside to assess the situation. Second, that set was completely destroyed when I moved this spring, and I just didn’t have time to recreate it.
Other News:
I put up a survey for everyone to vote on the Double-Down Challenge Community Winner. Check it out here. Remember, this is a best overall winner; the category doesn’t matter. Please vote honestly, and only once. I’ll keep the poll open for about a week.
Discussion Question: Safe Sex in the Zombie Apocalypse
Don’t worry, I’m not trying to be risque here, but I do wonder about pregnancy and how people might avoid it. People are going to have sex; that’s just human nature. But pregnancy in the zombie apocalypse isn’t going to be an easy thing, especially if the survivors in question are still at a stage where they’re running from one hideout to the next. So how do you think this will work, or won’t it?
Typo alert, Zombie Cliche Lookout, first paragraph, fifth sentence, after the comma: “a plan, that zombies” Change bolded word to “the”. 😀
Same section, second paragraph: “Sure, it might be a waste of time and resources, but if you do manage to ferret out an issue before it becomes something far more deadly.” The bolded words don’t make sense in this sentence, it starts breaking apart here, and needs rewording and restructuring.
That typo is a tricky one, the sentence may even be missing something after the “far more deadly” part. I’ll let Dave figure out how he should fix it, but it sure needs rewording. 😀
That second one is problematic because I just sort of stopped mid-sentence. Fixed.
Question this week….Yeah, um, never thought about this one but…I feel people could get “This is neither the time nor place to be making babies.”
And if not, then I’d defiantly have the couple/couples in question practice safe sex. Also, I’d say having a few gay people in your group would help limit the number of times this might happen. Also the problem with babies is they cry(which could attract the undead) and take up a lot of resources and if they get sick and don’t get proper treatment, then you could lose the baby.
Which referring to a past question about humans becoming immune to the virus, would limit the chance of a child being born with this immunity.
You’re making a lot of assumptions here. Even if you’re in charge, good luck forcing people to practice safe sex, especially if prophylactics aren’t readily available.
One thing a zombie apocalypse would certainly take care of rather quickly are any weirdos who would try to hit on a zombie, not knowing what zombies are. If someone doesn’t realize what zombies are and tries to get lucky, they’re going to find out very quickly that their mistake costs them their lives.
It’s amazing how often that seems to come up in zombie fiction too. Pretty gross stuff.
Thank Goodness my Wife is fixed (joking joking..but really she is) I think in this scenario people wouldn’t be making an effort on becoming pregnant but things happen no matter how careful, so I could see it happen. Obviously I would endorse safe sex or self pleasuring because unless your in a secure location with a doctor and right medicines this could become fatal for the mother as well as the child not to mention how unsafe it would be for the entire group. Thanks libido
I feel the same way, BT, except in my situation, it’s me that’s fixed.
Also, if no one has said it yet That is a Massive Wrench. Lego fixing for the huge. He must workout to carry that. HAhaha
That’s exactly why I like it. It’s so ludicrous how can you not love it?
Yep, sex will happen, pregnancies will ensue. And they will test group cohesion, group survival and leadership status.
Because of the (presumably) low hygiene standards, due to limited time and resources, sex under these conditions may lead to all manner of consequences. Specifically, transmission of existing STDs, exacerbation of yeast infections and similar conditions, and counter other possibilities. Health-wise, for both partners, all manner of contracting, exacerbation of symptoms or incubation of opportunistic biological agents, could have long-term, lethal consequences.
Pregnancy, would raise the vulnerability and lethality rate of the individuals, fetus and group. The group dynamics and mission will now change from, “how do we survive as a group?” to, “how do we take care of her and the baby?” To be sure, especially early on, the woman will continue to provide and give back to the group. My wife, and yours, Dave, are intelligent athletes, so early pregnancy stages may not make a discernible difference.
However, sooner or later, slowing down is inevitable and necessary. After all, she us now surviving for two. Hardships will increase geometrically towards latter stages of pregnancy. For a group on the run, this will create untold struggles and social friction. Given that not everybody is altruistic, nor self-sacrificing, those against the pregnancy, or those with difficulties and friction against the group, will flare up into full divisive resentment and antagonism. Sadly, the needs if the many (group +fetus) will not outweigh the needs of the one (“hey! Why should I pay for your 3 minute quickie!?”).
And, if course, self inflicted abortion, without knowing how to, raises all manner of difficulties, vulnerabilities and physical consequences.
So, yeah, zeepoc and healthy sexuality and pregnancy, will be down right medieval in many areas. I foresee a “Sex During Zeepoc Survival Manual” to be soon written.
Wow, Luis, this is an absolutely wonderful response, and exactly the type of conversation I was hoping for with this question (which I was a little worried about, to be honest).
What I think is really interesting is your point about how different women handle their pregnancies. Like you said, my wife if pretty athletic, and it wasn’t until pretty far into her pregnancies that she really started slowing down. Except for morning sickness. With both of our kids, she had horrible morning sickness for about 8 of the 9 months of pregnancy.
Please explain how having some gay people in your group solves the pregnancy problem? Are they going to teach the straight people how to be gay for the duration of the crisis? Is everyone going to relieve their sexual tension by watching the gay people have sex? Or is it that when gay people are around no one gets pregnant?
I think he’s approaching this from a purely mathematical point of view. If you have ten people in your group, and two of them are gay, that reduces the overall chance of pregnancy by 20%. Of course, there’s a ton a generalities here, but I think that’s what he’s going for.
I can picture a few zombie skulls smashing like watermelons after a hit from that! Does he have the stamina to swing it more than a handfull of times though……….are we about to find out? 😀
Sorry, was sure I’d hit ‘reply’ to Dave and BrickThrone’s comments about the giant wrench.
As for the discussion question……it’ll happen at the most inappropriate time, stressfull situations can get peoples emotions a little heightened shall we say. Dealing with a pregnancy in the ZA… not going to be easy in any shape or form. Would a group that had been running for months take kindly to one of the group becoming an added burden or would the thought of a new life meaning hope for the future spur them to save the mother and child at any cost. After any EOTWAWKI situation you have to hope for the continuation of humankind…….unless it’s nukes…….if it’s nukes we’re all FUBAR! 🙂 (not posted on here for a while due to an extended stay in hospital, was good to have a backlog to catch up on!)
Welcome back, I hope everything good.
Mathematically that would only apply to males since females and I am refering to the total breakdown of society here do not have to consent to get pregnant whether they are straight or gay.
Hmm either there is a public holiday where Dave lives, or he’s having problems with the comic. 😀
Ha ha my bets on the comic having issues! 😛
Thanks Brickthrone, all good now. It was just a flare up of my psoriasis, got pampered by nurses for three weeks 😀