Zombie Cliche Lookout: You’re Doing it Wrong
Remember how we talked before about the best way to break bad news to someone who is probably already in a fragile emotional state during the zombie apocalypse? Well, this is a good example of how not to do that. Being blunt has it’s places; after all, there are zombies running shamling around, do we really have the time to waste coddling people? On the other hand, there are zombies running shamling around, do we really want to risk an important part of our group freaking out and becoming a giant liability?
The moral is, even when you’re in a hurry, sometimes you need to slow down for a second and think thing through. Shooting from the hip can be fun, by you rarely hit a bulls-eye (especially when you’re kind of socially awkward).
About this Episode:
In the last episode, I felt like I had to downplay Clark’s overall strangeness. I was pretty happy to let him return to his normal form here. I really like this character. He’s fun to write and use in the strip because he’s pretty much a pain in the ass. He’s just useful enough to want around, but you end up questioning that every now and then because he’s, well, Clark.
At any rate Clark is fun to write; so all those predicting he was going to get shot when looking in the window, sorry.
Discussion Question: Getting Outside
It’s absolutely gorgeous outside here in central Michigan. I spent the majority of my weekend outside, with a turkey hunt (unsuccessful) on Saturday, and a bunch of yard work on Sunday. What are you guys doing to enjoy the weather, and to train your outdoor skills for the inevitable zombie apocalypse? Remember kids, it’s not “if”, it’s “when”.
Thats what you call a dick, someone who say’s, “Hey your mom’s dead, oh and remember when i lent you five dollars and you said that you’d pay me back.” or, ”Sorry you lost your job. Hey whens your birthday again?” you get the idea.
Yes indeed.
Play some basketball, fish, and take long walks.
Other than the basketball, that sounds like a good time. I never could get into basketball for some reason.
Lately I have been playing frisbee with my kid… not sure it will help in the event of a zombie apocalypse though.
That being said, one could argue that it worked to some extent in Shaun of the Dead!
Just played some Tetherball. Zing!? Outdoors? I’ve heard of this place. Big place, no ceilings real popular with the kids. Not my kids or Wife. I mostly go from one dark corner to another. It’s safer hat way..safer
Free Hat!
Hat killed those babies in self defense
So inappropriate, yet so funny.
That pretty much describes it, I do admire how they go out of their way to offend EVERYONE equally. NO sacred cows, no hidden agenda, everyone on the planet is ridicule less in one way or another and all are fair game.
Yes indeed, although I have to say I find it tiresome after a while.
Good call Greg. Frisbees and records are similar enough in my book.
I am working on doing more outdoors stuff. Recently I’ve fallen into a slump and have not been exercising. So, to rectify this I have instituted a new program. I now jump and run up and down the stairs for 20-30 minutes. I do some pull-ups, push-ups, crunches, stretching, a little bit of bag work, and finally some sword work. I just need to stick with it…
Sounds like a good routine, Bob. Sticking with it is the hard part.
What software do u use to put your speech bubble/comic numbering/borderlines? I’m thinking of making a comic of my own.
I do it all in Photoshop. It took awhile to get the initial setup that I was happy with, but now I can just reuse my styles and it’s really quick to put things together once the comics is shot and the raw images are edited.
Glad SOMEBODY got to go turkey hunting. Seems I get screwed over every spring and never get to hunt.
This is the first time I’ve been hunting since I was 14. I had a blast, even though we didn’t get anything. I’m hoping to go again in the fall. And maybe do a bit of duck hunting as well.
Turkey hunting is great. Weather is about perfect, not too cold, not too hot, bugs arent really out in force yet, just the right combination of activity and sitting still. Not to mention that feeling you get one a tom gobbles back at you out of his tree in the pre-dawn. Good stuff. Love my duck hunting as well, but it can be challenging, lots of cold wet weather and decoys to mess with. Do you hunt big or small water?
We managed to call in a big tom, and it gobbled at us twice. He just never quite gave me a clear shot.
I heard that hardcore Turkey hunters only use special forces shovels as weapons.
Well now I feel silly, having lugged around a shotgun all morning.
I’ll correct this for the fall season, Greg.
Awesome, glad your first foray back into hunting went well.
Oh yeah, I enjoyed the hell out of it. I totally want to do it again.