Zombie Cliche Lookout: That’ll Work
While a lot of states allow people to carry firearms – openly or concealed – the majority of people don’t. And even those that do can’t take their gun everywhere, nor can they carry enough ammunition to fight an ongoing battle with the walking dead. That means that the majority of survivors are going to have to find something with which to defend themselves with – one of my favorite aspects of zombie stories, by the way. The requirements for a zombie defense weapon are doing to be fairly simple:
- You have to be able to carry it easily – you’re going to be doing a lot of running
- It has to be durable – a weapon that breaks easily isn’t going to do you a lot of good
- It has to be easy to use – anything with a learning curve is going to kill just as many people as zombies
About this Episode:
For some reason, I really like building workshops and maintenance closets – I think a lot of people will end up raiding these for improvised weapons during the early parts of the zombie apocalypse. This is – at least – the second one that has appeared in the comic, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see some others show up before too long. I hit up Flickr for inspiration here, and found quite a few people with drill presses and vises similar to what I put here. One thing that I shamelessly copied from a MOC by Proudlove, is that excellent toolbox on the right.
I’m also trying to get more variation in setting into the comic. I think I tend to get stuck in one location sometimes, and that’s mostly because I don’t make enough time to build new sets. I need to fix that. I was just going to skip ahead in the story with Sam and Sarah already being armed, but that felt like a cheat.
Discussion Question: Gender Roles in the Zombie Apocalypse
This one sprang out of our recent The Walking Dead Season Three Post Mortem discussion: how will gender roles work in the zombie apocalypse? Over the last few generations, we’ve made great strides toward gender equality, but will the zombies showing up hit the reset button on that? I think compelling arguments can be made either way, and I’m really interested in what you guys think of this one.
I tend to think women will become equally important in the zombie apocalypse as men are. They will be another survivor and obviously another human capable of bashing heads in. Will they maintain their privileges? That would depend on the group. I lean over to beleiveing that most of the times decision will be made without their consent, but they would be involved in major issues, such as moving from location A to B. They will undoubtedly have a big role to play in post-apocalyptic society, but not as much as they do now.
I think “it depends on the group” is the crux of what you’re talking about here.
Nice job with the workshop Dave.
Do you think a Fire Axe would be a good weapon? Are they durable? And are they legal in the UK? Thinking on buying one off the Internet.
I’d think a fire axe would make a great weapon. If they weren’t durable, fire fighters wouldn’t use them.
As to their legality in the UK? I have no clue.
Speaking as someone who owns a variety of melee weapons, I’d say a fire axe is a lousy weapon. Durable yes, but heavy and unwieldy, badly balanced, etc. Doors rarely duck under a blow or fight back, after all.
Don’t get me wrong, if you’re good and strong, a fire axe will certainly do a lot of damage, but it wouldn’t be my first choice.
Strange, the internet ate my first reply.
Long story short: A fire axe is not a battle axe. It is heavy and badly balanced. Yes, it will do plenty of damage, but if you are not strong and in good shape, it will quickly wear you out.
Hah, the internet must have spit it back up, Bob.
They should have picked the plunger!
I love the setup Dave.
Thanks Greg! I was worried that people wouldn’t notice the plunger.
I love that plunger! I was impressed to find it was real rubber too! TLG does it again!
Wasn’t that a great little surprise?
Being English and living in Australia I am clueless on the subject-but a baseball bat seems a logical step for me. Easy to swing, readily available and with some nails bashed through the end, surely effective. No idea on durability though (a cricket bat for instance is weak in the handle as its a separate part).
On the female subject, I agree on your comments dave, and without willing to sound sexist, men do have a one tracked mind, so would be protective of a female partner be they pre or post zombie rising. I do think that the more villainous men would do well in the apocalypse (see Negan in TWD comics) and would take advantage of women though.
I want to make it clear that I do not agree that this is right and would hope it wouldn’t happen though!
The thought of villainous men “doing well” is just supremely creepy to me, Mark. I really like the way you phrased that.
On the subject of living in Australia, you should check out The Walking Dead Post Mortem article; we’ve got some discussion there of non-US audiences, and I’d be really curious to see your insight.
Nice set!
Gender roles I believe would be a great hindrance in the beginning but after a few weeks it would fall to the stronger shall survive, whether it be strength of the mind or body. Strategery would fall on the new found leaders be they men or women. Regional aspects need to be taken in to account as well.
Well said, TimE. I’d love to see a zombie story with a really strong female bad guy. That’d be interesting.
I’ve seen a lot of women leads in Zed flicks but none seem to pull it off. And not Alice, that is not a zombie flick its an adventure/action movie
Ugh. Alice.
Where’s Sam’s crowbar? :I
Okay, on to discussion.
I do not think that women are ‘inferior’, but I personally have been trained all my life to protect and serve, so to speak, and that the ‘traditional’ roles are the default roles…so I would like to ask if these roles are a bad thing, and what you mean by ‘traditional’.
If you look closely, you should be able to spot his crowbar.
Oh, I see. Thought it was a sideways shovel for a moment. 😛