Zombie Cliché Lookout:
There is often a moment in zombie stories, right before a character makes a last stand, where they stand there motionless while the shambling horde slowly but steadily approaches. You know the mayhem is coming, but for the briefest of moments there’s nothing but quickly building tension. Hopefully anyway. Because if we’ve gone through all this build-up and there’s not a bit of tension to be found, well, that’s a damn shame.

Really? I thought he was sighing because he either knows one of the zombies or what they’re saying. It’s not like he has anything to lose, anyway. He can’t exactly get a zombifection over anoher zombifection and make a super zombie, right?
I really can’t seem to decide how I feel about poor Jeff. One day I’m saying It’s a good thing he’ll be gone, next I feel sorry for him.
Uh… Being resigned to becoming a zombie at some point and engaging in a desperate last stand with a very real chance of being torn to pieces and eaten alive kicking and screaming are two entirely different things.
I’d say he’s sighing because he knows he’s in for it now.
Yeah, pretty much what Bob said. Jeff knows what he’s doing, but he doesn’t necessarily like it.
Panel 3 is brilliant.
How did you do that headstand? Leg on top of a hand? Or is her hand holding onto something sticking out from the couch or both?
I’d assume that there’s some sort of grip piece on the left, but you never know. Another option is a trans-clear antenna or rod of some sort used neatly.
Panel three is also notable for the indignity visited upon the mug. Shame, shame…
Believe it or not, balance. She’s doing a hand/headstand, and he one foot is touching mailman zombie for support. Only fell over twice when I was shooting.
Well done on the zombie headstand Dave! Although when I looked closely, I figured the mailman zombie was supporting her/its foot.
That really is the key to conveying motion, though. Things in motion are often in positions that would not be stable in a static position, so the illusion of instability is crucial to the illusion of motion. That’s what I’ve found, at least. The illusion of instability certainly helps… (Although it can be highly frustrating to perfect when you’ve got 30 minifigs in close proximity, set up on one leg, on a perfectly flat LEGO street…)
Well said, The Dude Person. Motion is really, really trick to get down. Looking at some early episodes in the comic, especially where the safe zone gets overrun, I did a really poor job of handling that. Ah well, onward and upward, right?
Lol at the mailguy in Panel 4, I think he has a habit of falling flat on his face!
Wait a sec, HOW did Barb and Gene get the sofa to the door without squishing the mug or breaking the screens? Was it Gene’s sofa levitation power?
They just lifted it over the counter.
Yeah, zombies are clumsy. Mailman zombies doubly so.
So no chainsaw action per se, but still action, right?
You may live.
……………………………………for now.
Let’s not jump to conclusions. BrickVoid has yet to weigh in.
A fine point.
Soon my precious!
Yes indeed.
We wants it!
(The scary thing is that I can do a near-perfect voice impression whilst saying that…)
I’ve known a few people that can do a good Gollum. Most impressive. The only voice I’ve ever been able to do is Chewbacca.
I suck at chewbacca but my history teacher used to yawn and sound just like him. My best impression is probably my arnold shwanzanager impression. Did I spell it right.
No, you sure didn’t. We all still know who you’re talking about though.
So I think everyone should take a look at a youtube video.
Its about this thing people can go through during Halloween week or something like that and its zombie slaying action.. Look up Evike.com zombie hunters
On youtube of course.
It’s totally cool to post a link, Calicade.
Yes yes, links!
We’re far too lazy to look anything up on the internet. It’s just too much hassle… 😉
At the time I posted that, I was also in an cubicle esque situation with constant moderation.. HERE YA GO!
All I can say is well done!
Now, will the zombies shamble at him and mistake him for one of their own or try to eat him because he’s not all dead yet?
We’ll find out on Monday whether the zombie horde welcomes Jeff with open arms.
But wait, what if some of the zombies died and underwent rigor mortis in the closed-arm position?
Rigor mortis is temporary. Once it wears off they’ll be fine.
MUG DOWN! MUG DOWN! We need an evac!!
I think Jeff should have said something cooler, like you’d hear in an action movie. But I do like how silly your zombies are.
Like I said. The mug is going to play a “pivotal” role. That it, it’s going to pivot, and then fall on the floor. Yuck, yuck, yuck.
Are you standing by that joke?
I am.
well then I applaud you
I’ve actually been waiting all day for someone to point out the mug fell over. I lead a rich life.
could always be stuck in a cubicle
…yeah… that would be awful.
I know, right?
Rich lives out of dull work and the trivial changes…
I would’ve pointed the mug out, it’s one of the first things I noticed… except that I was preoccupied today (until now.)
I shall have to make up for your attrocities against drinking vessels by venerating them in my own comic. You’ll see…
And that’s a fantastic joke!
(I just made a terrible joke.)
Hey, I pointed out the mug’s collapse! I just did it in a subtle fashion, is all.
You’re absolutely right, Lich. Sorry for overlooking that.
It’s okay – I shouldn’t have snapped like that. Stages of grief and all that… poor li’l mug…
Let me know when you get to bargaining. That’s always a fun one.
You sir officially have the coolest pic out of all of us.
Nikolai? Agreed. I’m surprised at the lack of a chainsaw pic, as that seems to be the obsession of the moment.
It’s really pissing me off as a trend, for some reason. It just seems so stupid, if I understand it correctly… lying down flat on things? Really? That’s a “thing” now? Is this what young Americans do for fun, now?
Aussies started it, if I recall correctly.
So now not only are young Americans lying around on things for fun, but they’re being unoriginal in doing so, as well?
Regardless of where it came from, I just think it’s silly. I’m somewhat concerned, if it’s also spreading to zombie culture, now…
I heard it’s a sport that’s growing fast for lazy children, and their lazy parents that live on tax payers money. THATS RIGHT.. I JUST GOT!!!!
Political~ “Fresh”
I’ve actually seen people doing it in public. Ridiculous.
They were literally yelling at each other, “Look bro, I’m going to plank on this fountain/bench/whatever”.
I actually tried planking on my trip to Colonial Williamsburg. I did it between two ancient-looking benches, but fell miserably.
That place is expensive as hell.
Colonial Williamsburg? Walking around is free, as are tours and what-not. The souvenirs aren’t, though.
Yeah, we went once a couple years ago as a spur of the moment trip (we were in the area visiting my sister). Maybe I’m misremembering, but I could swear they had an admission fee that was just ludicrous.
I love how it took me half an hour on the Gravatar website to get my Avi to work and you can’t even see what the writing says…
Oh I can read it. Thanks buddy….I think you’re a cool guy to!
I can read “Checkov’s Chainsaw: Check”. Is there more?
By the way, the recent BotD themed Gravatars that have appeared on here have just made my damn day.
Actually it says Chek. As in Chekov. Ahem.
I stand corrected.
I was going to comment first on the fall of the mistreated coffee delivery system, then on the increasing number of Gravatars resulting from this episode… But everything I’ve thought of to put in a comment has already been said, and so I am left only replying to the comments of others.
And that is a fairly awesome new Gravi-Avi, Nekrospike. (I like Gravi-Avi… or was it Ravioli?) I CAN read the text, but only just barely. I think you should re-do it, in bold (or larger) text, if possible. It’s too good to be left in its current squint-necessitating form.
Man I love ravioli. Chef Boyardi, bitches.
I tried to make the text bolder but it either would be cropped out or mess up the picture :/
Yeah, there’s not a lot of room to work, is there?
Nice job on this episode, Dave! And congrats on your 160th! (Eh, it’s a nice round number, might as well celebrate it. 😉 )
Although I think they could’ve at least knocked first… how rude of them to come barging in like that!
When this zombie apocalypse thing is all taken care of, someone needs to erect a memorial to the innocent drinking vessels that bravely gave their lives. Their beverages were not spilled in vain!
I really like the sense of motion in this episode. Jeff’s sigh in the last panel is perfect! It says, “Oh darn, I guess I’ve got to fight off the undead, now…”
It’s also nice to see that the Texas chainsaw massacre is finally at hand! (or finally at stump, depending on how much damage Jeff can do…)
Thank you sir. As I’ve said time and again, motion is really difficult to capture in this medium, so I love when people think I’ve done a good job of it.
Panel 3! This outbreak is in Cincinnati! (The baseball player)
What do I win?
It’s really a shame that LEGO doesn’t make a Detroit Tiger player.
Or Phillies.
If they’re going to ho Philly, I’d rather have a Greenman.
@Dave: Well, at least it’s got action and zombies, so you can rest easy for now. Still no chainsaw action, but at least you’re finally past the boring character development phase! 😀
I hope Monday’s got some chainsaw action though! Come Monday, Jeff should either be a zombie or trying to start that chainsaw! 😉
I do find it a bit hard to believe that the zombies so easily pushed the sofa and a heavy hospital door open. Maybe it’s because they were all used to it in their former lives! 😉
Can you imagine if I stretched this out three more weeks while the zombies struggled with moving a couch?
I would find it hysterical.
The greatness that is Bill Waterson once protested the corporate slime that run newspapers by showing Calvin floating in space for a few months. A very young zombiepup got his first taste of activism and stood by his side.
stay strong Dave….
God Waterson is awesome.
The man walks the walk so to speak. He gave up untold millions for his beliefs.
I’ve always admired that. Very few wouldn’t have sold out.
Yes, actually, i could! 😀 But my main point is that the couch was wedged into the doorway itself and yet they barged through both it and a door quite easily, even for zombies! Perhaps you should write about just how physically powerful zombies are, and why you should never trust your weak friend to so weak should they become a zombie! 😀
Zombies have roughly the same strength as a human, minus whatever injury might take away.
As far as though couch goes, the couch was propped up against the top of the door, knocking the door down, which the zeds had been at for a while, could knock the couch back at the same time depending on the angle of the door as it was knocked off its casing.
So I actually have a free night where I can spend time relaxing watching movies
Anyone have any good horror movie recommendations? Specially stuff found on Netflix streaming? 100 Feet is excellent by the way…
I can’t stand slasher/torture ones like Hostel…those aren’t horror movies IMO.
Is the Carpenter version of “The Thing” on there? Used to be, anyway. That’s a perennial favorite in my house.
I’ve been tempted to check out “Let me In”. I loved the Swedish original and heard good things about the remake.
Yes it is! And that is one of the first horror movies I ever saw.
Let Me In is amazing. Good transition from the foreign film. You need to see that.
The Thing is a hell of a first (or one of the first) horror movie. One of the scariest flicks out there. God Carpenter used to be so good.
Also, why isn’t Russell in more stuff. He was one of the only good things about Death Proof. The man’s still got it.
Walt Disney cursed him
Look that up ^
“Kurt Russell” is the last thing the guy said/wrote before he died? That’s really, really f’ing weird.
Apparantly its not a myth and he confirmed it. When he was a kid someone showed him the piece of paper.
There is a lot of weird stuff surrounding Walt…I need to read a bio on him one day.
Yeah…He must’ve been really disturbed to have been thinking about a boy sized mouse who had a high pitched voice and wears shorts ._.
I always thought Walt Disney wrote Alice in Wonderland. Not even close…
Anyway…here is something to give you nightmares. Fast Forward to 41 seconds.
Wow, that’s amazing! How they restored, see, must have been a pain due to the age of the film, and the material the film was made of wasn’t meant to be refurbished.
That is quite awesome. Colored tints a la Nosferatu too. Double nice.
I am sure they had to go cell by cell. Same thing happened with the original frankenstein movie which some people think of as “patient zero” of modern zombies instead of voodoo.
How old is the Original Frankenstein?
I’ve always viewed the monster as a golum rather than an intelligent zombie.
I am a google expert doing this btw…I didn’t know all of this…
1911 for the movie
But for the actual name…from what I am reading right now “it” never really had a name in Mary Shelley’s book in 1818…it wasn’t until a play in the 1930’s that the monster was called “Frankenstein” which incorrect but has stuck since then.
Good stuff.
Yeah, in the book the monster is never named, one further bit of dehumanization the poor bastard had to deal with. Frankenstein is the last name of the scientist who created him. The monster being called Frankenstein is technically incorrect, but something damn near everyone does.
Interesting book, if you haven’t read it. It’s in the public domain so it’s probably free for the Kindle and other ereaders.
Wait…aren’t Golum’s made of clay? I am not sure I would call him that in this case since good’ol Franky was pieced together from other bodies.
Seems more aligned with a scientific form of Voodoo”ism than a Golum.
I made up the word “Voodoo’ism” ™
Golem’s can be really made out of anything. Great way to recycle…
Excellent Nekrospike!
Slogan time for a t -shirt…
BOTD.com “where we recycle the dead”
Dave…make it happen!
Yeah, golems are great! If you can’t find something, you can just replace it with a clay version. It worked for Osiris… 😉
Funny story, I was watching an old 1911 movie, and one of the villains had a chrome M1911 .45! There are a few problems here:
1) The M1911 was not widely used with movies.
2) Chroming was not available.
3) I looked like it had a synthetic black grip!
I took the reel to a college professor, and he gave me an explanation. The M1911 I saw was a Tokarev TT-33, which came standard with a Silver-y tone.
IIRC there are a number of guns that look quite similar to the 1911, several which came out years prior.
Hey wasn’t another guy doin the chainsaw last stand at the begining of the series??? Cuz thats kinda neat lol