Zombie Cliché Lookout:
Once a character is bitten, he/she tends to follow a few familiar trajectories. If it’s an especially sympathetic character, they’ll most likely stick around so their slow, painful death is a constant reminder of how much you liked the character and how awful it is that they’re leaving. If they’re the token asshole, odds are they’ll hide the wound and then turn at the worse possible moment for the rest of the group. Tough guys, characters needing repentance, and characters who want to be useful to the group tend to fall into the last category: the dramatic last stand that allows others to get away.

Now I feel sad to see Jeff go… oh well, there’s a minute chance that a hundred years in the future, BotD will conclude and he comes back via some weird time travel paradox or something.
that kind of thing only happens in sci-fi comics
What part of “dead people are walking from a mutant virus” doesn’t qualify as sci-fi?
Pssh, because there’s zombies outside all the time silly.
Fantastic question/response here Brickyman & Darg.
@Calicade – That sounds about right.
I like Jeff too. At least he gets a chance to say goodbye, unlike poor Shannon.
eh, I never liked her too much. Glad to see the ba–uh…the…”bite” of her.
Hah, fair enough.
Oh well. At least he ‘ll go down swinging.
Unless he trips and falls on the chainsaw.
Or if it’s out of gas, as the horde engulfs him…
That too.
I was hoping Dave would open the can of chainsaw whoopass early! But I guess he’s misplaced his can-opener! 😀
Hah, give it a week. People need to say their goodbyes, after all.
If they take too long Jeff will have turned into a zombie and they’ll have an entirely different can of whoopass opening up on them! 😀
But on the plus side, zombies aren’t known for their prowess with chainsaws.
I wish Jeff had a big steel belt buckle so he could run the blades against it and make some sparks as the hoard comes at him.
As amusing as that mental image is, a belt buckle is far to close to your junk to be running a chainsaw against.
clearly Dave isn’t mature enough for this conversation
Hah. I am a child at heart.
Jeff needs a hockey mask now as he wields his chainsaw, wadding into a horde of his undead brethren to hack off limbs.
That reminds me of that movie where the guy turns a lawn movers onto a hoard….Dead Alive (Brain Dead)
Dead Alive was awesome.
I wish TLG made an old school hockey mask. I’d buy that sucker up in no time. Of course I’d have very little use for it, but it’s still cool.
**off topic**
Does anyone here lurkers or posters know anything about the electrical stuff with LEGO? I am working on a MOC that I want 100% LEGO with zero custom pieces so I need to do this the hard way.
OK I need to use 1 simple light preferably with a black brick housing and I need a cord that will run 2 feet but I could get away with 1 foot if needed (so I assume I’ll need to splice together wires) and if possible I would like to be able to push a tile of my choosing to turn the light on in lieu of a exposed red button. Is this possible?
Never mind…got it.
I can’t wait to see this.
I know you already got it, but for what it’s worth, you could probably rig up something with the light brick fairly easily.
Its hard to tell but I think this will be around 6,000 pieces. I should find a way to keep count but it’s hard since I do a lot of tear downs and rebuilds trying stuff out.
So far it’s
2 (48×48) baseplates
4 (16 x 32) baseplates
And I might need to add one more but we’ll see. Its hard to tell until I get a rough outline down which I can’t do until I get a 48×48 plate in the mail which should be today. Those things are impossible to find and too exspensive at TRU.
Sounds like quite an impressive build. This will be quite a sight.
He could activate his rage like from dead island.
Someone needs to do an official review for this site.
That would be cool.
Calicade….you’re wanting to work on your wordsmithing now that teh DERP has passed….
Didn’t you finish this game?
Oh yeah I think you did…..
Looking at you buddy…..
Ah I did to. I’m going through it a second time. I hit a zombie so hard it flew 10 feet up no joke. I think Sam B. is the best hero. Why is every zombie group of survivors 4?
I have never noticed that to be honest but 4 sometimes refers to personality types in psychology and philosophy. Symbolic representation maybe. Sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic to modern day thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition. I have no idea if that lines up to this game tho…hah.
The only reason I know that is because there was a series of books I read once and the author had some groups of 4 over and over again. It’s a stretch but it worked in these other books. Been a long time so I could be way off. Anyone read the Terry GoodkInd books sword of truth series? Quads in the book one…then the Pillars of Creation it was used again…or what it temple of the Winds. I can’t remember which book when into some detail explaining it. I may even be thinking of an interview.
Certainly an interesting read, Mutts. I know whenever you have a group in a story, then tend to fall into predefined roles pretty readily.
Some quick Googling shows BotD isn’t far off. Roughly speaking:
Sanguine – Shannon/Ted
Choleric – Stewart/Murphy/Gene
Melancholic – Cheryl/Barb
Phlegmatic – Sam/Jeff
Murphy here and Shannon gone is going to through me off the track. Curses!
Well you could magically conjure up a witch or wizard who will not only be able to cure Shannon’s acute case of zombification but who could also reverse the effects of a GSW to her head …
Only thing is I don’t see it happening unless BotD impacts with a parallel universe containing a magician or a witch! And I certainly don’t see that happening any time soon! 😀
So I guess you’re stuck with the direction you’ve chosen, may it serve you well in the long run! 😉
Shannon was shot, so it have to be a wizard who can cure bullets to the face. _ _
But don’t forget Dave…it somewhat translates to thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition.
Speaking about chainsaws. In Dead Island there is a Jason Vorhees reference. He’s killing zombies and then turns on you. You can then get into his cabin, grab a chainsaw…and cut his head off.
That’s pretty awesome. I’ve always liked Jason, even though the movies tend to be terrible.
A good zombie series is Zombies! on iBooks.
Always interested…
Can you link it on amazon or do you know the author’s name?
Ivan turner and http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/s/ref=is_box_books?k=Ivan+turner&url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks
Hmm yes indeed.
Huh, I could have sworn I had commented. I’m having Deja Vu all over again, with this comic.
Strange. Nothing in the spam queue. Maybe it was all a dream?
Yeah, probably.