Home / Comics / Colony Episode Twenty-One ‹‹ First‹ PreviousNext ›Last ›› Colony Episode Twenty-One Dave Published: July 25, 2015 Updated: March 7, 2023
So… they’re not safe yet… The good thing is… Wait… there is no good thing for them LOL. But, as I like to be back in bay 85, I’d have love to see more of the old rail tunnel… Will we see more later?
So… they’re not safe yet… The good thing is… Wait… there is no good thing for them LOL.
But, as I like to be back in bay 85, I’d have love to see more of the old rail tunnel… Will we see more later?
You will see Bay 85 again.
But I have a feeling you will enjoy the next set you see tomorrow 🙂