Zombie Cliche Lookout: Meet and Greet
In all stories (excepting sequels and prequels and probably some others that I’m too tired to think of) you have to meet the principal characters and get to know them. This is usually done right at the beginning, but ongoing stories will periodically refresh the well, so to speak. This means new characters joining up with the original group (or what’s left of it). Done well, these characters will form an instant bond in your mind. Done poorly, and you’ll be struggling to remember which guy is Jim in the third act.
About this Episode:
Okay, so characters introducing themselves isn’t exactly the most interesting thing in the world, and we’ve got a few characters here so it’s going to take a couple of episodes to get through them. Because of this, I’m going to include a bit of extra information about everyone so that you can learn a bit more about these people. Cheryl, for instance, is probably a little younger than you might have thought (or is she an adult that went back to school, perhaps after losing her job?).
Also, here we see Russell diverge quite a bit from my dad. The name Russell used to remind me of a kid in elementary school who put ketchup on his pizza, but after watching Up I’m much more positive about the name.
Discussion Question: Name that Cameraman
Let’s do something a little different. We have one character who hasn’t yet been named, so I’d like suggestions from you guys. I’ve got a couple that I’m thinking about, but nothing I’m committed to just yet.
First, some basic ground rules:
- This has to be a real name, so he can’t be called Dragon, or Xylxxxlxys, or anything bizarre like that.
- For the sake of clarity and simplicity, no names that are too similar to already established characters.
That’s it. If someone suggests something I like, then I’ll use it.
I’m thinking Xaivor or Charlie would be good names for him.
Interesting combo there.
theres already a Charlie, maybe Jake? i’ve always liked the name Jake.
I didn’t think so, I checked all the character’s bios and I didn’t see a Charlie. But Jake is a pretty good name.
yeah, maybe i was just thinking of Ted.
Possibly you’re thinking of Ted.
I like “Bob Dobbs”. Sounds like a working-class stiff name (and the messiah figure of a crazy cult- definitely one to Google).
God I like Wikipedia.
And J.R “Bob Dobbs is the cameraman’s name. 😉
A zombie story can have nothing less.
Hah. The cameraman just doesn’t seem smooth enough to be the greatest salesman of all time.
I think that’s part of the point. “J.R.” can be a mouth breathing window-licker, or an oil baron. It’s all situational.
Sounds like I need to read up more on this guy.
David Bryant
Which David Bryant is this a reference to, the director?
Maybe… It just popped into my head…
Oh, I’m always amazed when people can come up with full names like that. I always, always struggle with naming characters.
Hmmm, how about something like…Matthew… can be shortened to Matt, Matty, whatever…
And no my name isn’t matthew 🙂
Or maybe something a bit more exotic like Matthias? Still shortens to Matt.
No, you’re not a Matt, eh?
He should be called Dave. Because my cat’s called Dave.
I’m also called Dave, so I won’t want it to be confusing.
And, it would be creepy if you had to kill him off.
Yes indeed. That’d be pretty weird.
Well Dave, we could just call you D.
Hah, I’d rather you didn’t.
I had a feeling, I don’t think he is a dave either, when I hear dave, I think either lego hobbyist, or construction foreman, not city maintenance worker.
A construction foreman? That’s pretty interesting.
I think you should call him Patton, like the General Patton you referred to a few strips back! 😀 Because he’s like a General who sits at the back of the lines and issues orders that might get his soldiers advanced or killed but pretty much doesn’t care which! 😀
If a zed bites this guy he probably will take a really long time to turn, because he’ll probably be so busy filming he won’t notice until he’s almost dead! 😉
Hah, that’s certainly an interesting choice. Patton was quite a character in his own right.
Alexander Abrams is a great name. Everyone can call him AA
I like the name Alexander, but I don’t see if for this character.
Evan, Travis, or Brent
We have an Evan here, but I’m kind of digging Brent.
He does also look like a Brent.
Indeed, Brent is the name to beat right now.
Just looking at the cameraman makes me think of a Jason.. Something like Jason Roberts or another.
Is Jason Roberts a specific reference, or do you just like the sound of the name?
It just sounds right for the character is all.. When I look at the black hair, sleeveless shirt, and the over all facial expressions.. I think Jason!
Fair enough.
I have to agree with Calicade here, he just looks like a Jason Roberts.
See, to me Jason Roberts suggests a yuppie businessman type.
so, in other words you already have a Jason Roberts?
Hah, not yet. But I’m going to keep that name in mind.
Right now, I can only think of one character name I’m keeping in reserve.
I’m surprised one of the characters recognize the reporter. Maybe too caught up in surviving to remember her name?
This might be coming up, actually.
I definitely had Cheryl pegged for older, like mid 30’s. But I never thought Stewart was a teenager either. As far as the camera man goes. He looks to me like the kind of guy who has a name that doesn’t really fit the image of himself that he wants to project so he uses a more macho/creepy nickname. For example, his name would be something like “Spencer” but he would go by something like “Spider”
The name Spider always makes me think of Goodfellas. Poor Spider.
Great movie, but I don’t remember which one was Spider. Was he the kid who got shot in the bar?
That’s exactly who he was. Same actor was Christopher on the Sopranos.
Goodfellas is probably my favorite overall movie.
Plot reference point. Whatever his name is hes probably still wearing his press pass which will have his name on it.
Good point here, I wish the figure had some sort of badge prominently displayed now.
We could go with Artie.
The Strongest! Man! In the World! ?
never heard of him, i hate WWE anyway, its totally fake, all you need to have is mustles to get in.
Not wrestling, it’s from The Adventures of Pete & Pete.
probibly from 30 years ago, i’ve never even haerd of what the heak bambi is. but whatever.
Hey Dave, ive got a question, if i made a video game to sell on this site of this comic, for fifteen dollars, would you buy it? would anyone buy it?
Are you asking if you made a game based on this comic? I’d certainly hope you’d be asking permission first.
As to whether I, or anyone else for that matter, would buy it, that would depend entirely on the quality.
well im planning on making a prototype with my uncle, but since you brind it up, is okay if i make a game off of what you’ve done in the comic so far? the only people who can buy it will be on this site.
If you want to make a game based on the comic to be distributed free, I’m okay with that. I’m not comfortable charging for it, however.
what if you got one for free? and i gave you $15, and i included my uncles invention, so that you wont have to pay for electricity again? how does that sound?
I’ll tell you what, you come up with a working prototype and a plan for how the final product will look and play, and we’ll discuss. Sound fair?
sure, why not?
The name Chandler always makes me giggle, I’d go with that one.
I liked the character on Friends at the time. I watched that show not too long ago, and man, it does not hold up.
Really? I am watching it right now, I still feel it is pretty funny.
It’s got it’s moments, but by and large I just couldn’t get into it like it did before.
Travis. That is all. Travis was the name of the short-lived annoying teenager in the Walking Dead game, and this cameraman looks like he will be just the same.
That’s not bad. Reminds me of Travis Bickle too.
how about Cameron?
I can kind of see him being a Cameron. I still like Brent better though.
I just remembered something that is kind of funny, not sure if it’d fit this cameraman though: I visited a farm once in my younger years and there was this farm dog who actually answered to the name of “Mongrel” – maybe since he seems like one of those gang types, this could be a nickname that comes out later on! 😀
I love gang names like that. Reminds me of Mad Max.
What about Gerald??
He doesn’t look like a Gerald to me.
Heh, I put ketchup on my pizza. (Hello, first time commenter, long time reader)
Hey Robert, I hope I didn’t offend. Thanks for commenting!
Hmm, maybe Nathan?
That reminds me too much of Nathan Fillion, and this dude is no Nathan Fillion.
Novak Kindle, Dilinger Grant, Hitch Sawyer, Purdin Hudson. I have a ton of’em
That sounds like the crew of a ship of space smugglers.
Payton would we a good name. Also Zachary. Or Zach
Payton seems yuppie to me too. Zach isn’t bad.
I like zach but that’s the name of a suvivor not a meatcicle
Hah, nice counter-point.
“Mud”, a surly badass. No one knows his real name. Perhaps he doesn’t himself.
I don’t think he could have put Mud on his W4 when he got the job at the TV studio.
Oh wait, the camera man? Blake or Jim.
I can see Blake too.
maybe,Nick or Xavier,maybe russel or frankie
We just got a Russell, so that’s out. I think you’re the second person to suggest Xavier.
That’s a bold prediction.
“Off topic question”
Are designated characters hair glued down?
I don’t think Dave likes doing things like that, and tbh, I don’t like the idea of gluing lego hairpieces down either.
Your response, I felt ,was straight out of A New Hope. Still. Why not? I do some animation and it keep consitancey. If I do designate characters I make sure I have three exact versions. One to glue down, one for everything else and one as a backup.
I guess if you have multiple of everything, but some pieces you literally have to buy a single set 3 times to get 3 copies.
Nope, nothing is glued. I’m not a big fan of modifying my parts. I love checking out things other people have done, but it’s just not for me.
Besides, I don’t have enough redundant parts when it comes to a few things. Stewart’s hair, for instance, is a piece that I have exactly one of.
what about Graham??
Graham seems like too formal a name for this guy.
or Chuck??
Chuck isn’t bad, but I’m still leaning toward Brent.
i was just thinking if u had a black character his name should have been DJango.. D is silent
Like the movie?
ooooo Maxwell
I had a dog name Max. I liked him too much to name this guy after him.
what about PJ??? i mean the guy does kinda look like me 🙂 huh what about it Dave have me in the comic?? please please please!!!?!?!? 🙂
I’m surprised that Russell didn’t go home to get his dog; that’s what I’d do if I thought everything was going to hell in a handbasket quick. I figure my dogs are a lot better companions for the Zombipocolypse than most people; plus, all my guns and most of my supplies are at home too!
I thought Cheryl told us she was 32 back when they met Murphy?
I’m not a huge fan of giving characters “names that suit them”, since that isn’t how naming works, at least around here.