Red Creatures 31032

134 Reviews
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Unleash your imagination and conquer the skies with the awe-inspiring Red Creatures! With its fiery breath, fearsome horns, and bright green eyes, this three-in-one LEGO set will transport you to a world of legendary tales. Create enchanting narratives as you take flight on the wings of this fire-breathing dragon, but don’t stop there – let the dragon morph into a slithering snake or a robust six-legged scorpion, exploring even more fantastical realms. With articulated joints allowing for maximum flexibility, the possibilities are as vast as the soaring mountains this mythical creature soars over. The Red Creatures set is not merely bricks and plastic; it is a portal to unexplored dimensions limited only by your boundless imagination. Journey through forests and unveil ancient mysteries atop your own meticulously designed masterpiece, measuring over 10 inches in length. So why settle for ordinary when you can experience extraordinary? Turn up the heat, release your inner creator, and claim your place among legends with Red Creatures – your passport to worlds unknown.

7 – 12
Dec 2014
To Be Announced
Product Specs
Product Specs
Product Name: Red Creatures
Pieces 221
RRP £12.99 / $14.99 / 14.99€
Release Year 2015
Theme Creator
Instructions Lego Red Creatures Instructions