Brick Bank 10251

1052 Reviews
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Immerse yourself in the architectural tapestry of the Creator Expert Brick Bank, a beguiling installment within the modular buildings collection. Crafted with fastidious attention to detail, this opulent structure features an atrium foyer adorned with arched windows and an exquisite chandelier, enticing beholders into its alluring depths. Unlock hidden surprises as you traverse through the bank’s interior, marveling at its lockable vault and transaction counter equipped with security glass. Enchanting touches extend to a neighboring laundromat and two second-floor offices amply furnished with intricate minutiae. Is this not a testament to the ingenuity of creator Nick Vas? Unveil the entrancing facade, resplendent in majestic statuary accents and large arched windows, embodying the grandeur that only LEGO architecture can evoke. Ascend to the accessible roof terrace, basking in radiant skylight rays and reveling in the panoramic view of your ever-expanding metropolis. Collaborate this masterpiece with 10243 Parisian Restaurant and 10246 Detective’s Office for a cohesive cityscape brimming with undeniable charisma. Foster open-ended creativity and indulge your architectural inclinations with an enchanting assemblage abound- 2380 pieces poised to captivate builders ages 16

Creator Expert
Jan 2016
Dec 2018
Instruction Manuals
Product Specs
Product Specs
Product Name: Brick Bank
Pieces 2380
RRP £129.99 / $169.99 / 149.99€
Release Year 2016
Theme Creator Expert
Instructions Lego Brick Bank Instructions