Kopaka and Melum – Unity set 71311

49 Reviews
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Unleash the chilling power of Kopaka, master of ice, as he intertwines with the formidable Melum Creature of Ice in an unbreakable union! With their dynamic unity, these BIONICLE warriors reign supreme over the frozen tundras, boasting a sturdy construction and posable joints for intense battle action. Standing tall at over 8 inches, their ornate armor and gleaming masks exude an air of ancient prowess, while the interchangeable elements allow for mesmerizing combinations of elemental might. Prepare to embark on epic quests in the captivating world of LEGO® BIONICLE®, where unity is the key to conquering all!

8 – 14
Jan 2016
Dec 2016

Exploring the world of Bionicle with the Kopaka and Melum – Unity set

Enter a new dimension of imaginative play with the versatile LEGO® BIONICLE® Kopaka and Melum – Unity set. Released in 2016, this exciting and engaging playset offers both children and adults an enriching building experience as well as hours of heroic adventures in the Bionicle universe. Crafted with detail and accuracy, this set provides a meaningful way to learn more about the world of Toa (BIONICLE’s heroes) and their spirit creatures. 

The Uniqueness of Kopaka Uniter of Ice

Enrich your LEGO® BIONICLE® storyline with Kopaka Uniter of Ice, one of our key characters in the set. Specially crafted to pique interest, he wears an enigmatic BIONICLE® head mask. This mask not only adds to his dramatic looks but is intricately designed to pop-off at trigger points. Clad in armor teeming with bespoke rune decorations and imbued with elemental power of ice, Kopaka displays solid strength and sturdiness for an ! Below his armored chest piece lies the Unity piece which opens a new avenue for uniting Kopaka with spirit creatures.

Mysteriously Powerful melum Creature of Ice

The other half of this energetic duo is Melum Creature of Ice. Presenting an interesting contrast to Kopaka, Melum, appearing seemingly small and delicate, houses enormous power within. The mystical mask that adorns him holds secrets that are only revealed during play. Alongside him is the golden Unity Mask of Ice, a special accessory element that empowers either character when united with it.

Team Up for Power Boost!

True magic happens when these unique beings fuse together! Attach Melum Creature of Ice onto Kopaka using the unity piece, powering up our hero into a formidable force ready to take on any challenge or foe. The creation you end up is not just sturdy but stands over 8 inches tall, impressive right? The process is phenomenal, interestingly straightforward but incredibly satisfying.

Absolute Playtime Fun!

This versatile playing set assures intense action gaming thanks to its robust design. It doesn’t stop there! You have room to experiment and explore by swapping Melum with other creatures from the 2016 LEGO® BIONICLE® line for a refreshing mix of battle strengths via new power combinations.

More than Just a Play Set

Boasting 171 pieces distributed between both characters – Kopaka & Melum – this set doesn’t just foster fine motor skills; it also aids in boosting creativity through strategic building mechanisms inherent in its game play structure. Packaged carefully into a box measuring around 9.3 x 9.8 x 2.2 inches (23.6 x 25 x 5.6 cm), it’s aptly weighted at .34KG ensuring added convenience in handling or shipping if need be! It caters perfectly to ages ranging from 8-14 years according to its age-range specification.

In Conclusion…

Priced at a comfortable level across different markets – £19.99 / $24.99 / 24.99€ – the LEGO® BIONICLE® Kopaka and Melum – Unity set is worth every penny not just for its quality build but also for offering endless opportunities for creative play fused with engaging storytelling! Designed by John Ho, it truly represents value for money given its price per piece (11.7p / 14.6c / 14.6c). What are you waiting for? Start building today!

Instruction Manuals
Product Specs
Product Specs
Product Name: Kopaka and Melum – Unity set
Pieces 171
RRP £19.99 / $24.99 / 24.99€
Release Year 2016
Theme Bionicle
Instructions Lego Kopaka and Melum – Unity set Instructions