Umarak the Hunter 71310

83 Reviews
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Embark on an epic journey into the depths of darkness with Umarak the Hunter, a formidable foe sprung forth from the shadows of the Bionicle realm. Armed with a bone hunting bow shooter and poison arrows, this enigmatic figure possesses a mesmerizing blend of agility and tenacity, striking fear in the hearts of Toa warriors. Behold his Bionicle head adorned with a pop-off mask trigger, and witness his power surge when equipped with the mighty Golden Mask of Control. Unleash the shadow traps concealed on his shoulders and watch as chaos ensues. With posable joints and a sturdy build standing over 11 inches tall, Umarak embodies the perfect amalgamation of malevolence and sheer might.

8 – 14
Jan 2016
Dec 2016

Exploring the LEGO Bionicle: Umarak the Hunter (Set 71310)

The year 2016 gifted LEGO Bionicle® enthusiasts with a meticulously crafted set, aptly christened as ‘Umarak the Hunter.’ Replete with intriguing details and impressive specifications, the set provides a unique window into the Shadow Horde subtheme of epic Battle of Okoto story arc.

Diving Into the Chronicles of Umarak

Crafted under the watchful eyes of Mukata, Umarak emerges as a skilled marksman, bringing a sembalance to chaos in an engaging tale of power and control. The Legend unfolds as our antogonist, armed with a deadly hunting bow, unleashes terror, only to be empowered further with the Golden Mask of Control. With mind manipulation powers at his disposal, Umarak cunningly convinces the elemental creatures to unite for his ulterior motive.

Focusing on Form and Functionality

The embodiment of evil is characterised meticulously through Umarak’s unique design. Donning the fearsome Hunter Mask and shadow trap shoulder blades, he strikes an imposing figure standing over 11″ tall. His chest piece is adorned with special runes. Not just limited to aesthetics, every element in this kit underscores functionality; be it a unity piece for aligning elemental creatures or posable joints for dynamic actions. The scale of battle intensifies with each twist of Umarak’s torso wheel wielding his bone hunting bow shooter.

Experience Augmented Action

Set 71310 ensures unbridled action remains at the heart of your play experience. The reliable design flaunts solidity, allowing for intense battles without compromise. Umarak’s bow fires poison arrows accurately at targets while the shoulder-mounted shadow traps can be launched against adversaries at will.

Create Your Unique Battle Saga

An intrinsic part of the 2016 LEGO® BIONICLE® series, this set encourages imaginative play through countless combinations with other characters in the series. Delve into exciting twists through new alliances, upgraded combat power or battles between frenemies.

More Than Just Play – Learning & Growing

With 172 pieces to assemble, this kit not only imparts architectural creativity but also critical thinking skills. serves as your companion portal offering building guidance, interactive games and animations; All it takes is an adult’s permission to embark on a learning adventure.

At a modest price per piece ratio and suitable for children aged between 8 and 14 years, Umarak The Hunter is a fantastic addition encouraging innovative storytelling.

In summary, each element within this set – be it Umarak’s captivating character design or inciting plot formation; offers excellent value for money; ensuring countless hours of engaging play!

Instruction Manuals
Product Specs
Product Specs
Product Name: Umarak the Hunter
Pieces 172
RRP £14.99 / $19.99 / 19.99€
Release Year 2016
Theme Bionicle
Instructions Lego Umarak the Hunter Instructions