Episode 583: Getting on the Same Page

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Zombie Cliche Lookout: Focus

A group without a leader in the zombie apocalypse is in a lot of trouble. And for that leader to be effective, they need to have a lot of different traits. They need to be commanding, compassionate, inspiring, emotionally strong… I could go on and on. Suffice it to say, it’s not something most people can pull off. Perhaps one of the most important, and least sexy aspects of a good leader is their ability to get people focused on a task. Not only is this very hard to pull off, it’s also something that, when done well, most people don’t even notice.

That’s the trick to it though. In a zombie survival situation, there’s either tons of different things that need to get done and not enough people to do them, or not enough stuff to occupy everyone’s minds, allowing them to focus on just how bad things are getting. Either way, that leader needs to get their people to work, or everyone is going to end up as zombie chow.

About this Episode:

I wish Ted’s house had a garage. Unfortuntely, we’ve already seen a fair bit of it, so I think it would look kind of weird for it to all of a sudden have a garage. Sure, it’s possible we simply didn’t see it before because of the angles used, but still.

Because of this, Ted’s family keeps their tools and whatnot down in the basement. Reasonable enough; if you don’t have a garage or shed, where else do you keep that sort of thing?

Discussion Question: Essential Tools and Supplies

This episode makes me wonder what kind of stuff you guys have on hand in the case of an emergency. I’m not talking about food, water, or weapons, but tools and hardware. I’m guessing that those who live in areas more prone to severe weather like tornados and hurricanes, but let’s hear from everyone.

Here in Michigan, we get the occasional tornado, but they’re not all that common. Because of that, I don’t know many people who keep stuff on hand to board up windows. I do, however, know an awful lot of people who have lumber and hardware available simply from being leftover from various projects.

23 thoughts on “Episode 583: Getting on the Same Page”

  1. I don’t even remember a lot of what Ted’s place actually had, or whether they even got to Ted’s house. What does Dave remember that he can link to? 😉

    • Link to? Good lord, I have no idea. I need to go back and start tagging locations in the comic at some point.

  2. The only typo I might possibly have found is “trick of it” – it should be “trick to it”. That being said, it’s possible this is some U.S. variant I’ve never come across in which case Dave is free do do what he will with it! 😀

    • Right on. You’re phrasing is probably a little clearer. I’ll tweak that one.

  3. My main problem is that the garage is not attached to the house and almost all the tools and materials are in said garage. If the house were surrounded by zombies, I would have to go through them to get the above items…

    • Our first home was like that too. I’d rather have a detached garage than no garage at all, but now that I’m used to an attached garage, it would be tough to go back.

  4. I really hope Ted & Co. will manage to find a way outta there, even with the barricades the house isn’t bound to hold forever. Regarding today’s question, I suppose I’d be okay. I live in a building, third story, and unless the zombies can climb walls, then I’ll be fine.

    • That’s always part of the drama of the zombie siege. Either the zombies are breaking in, or the survivors run out of supplies. It can’t last forever.

  5. TED! You need to hydrate.

    • You got that right.

  6. Where I live we don’t have a lot of boards and planks, but tons of old furniture and old doors. We have more or less a small workshop and a wide range of tools. Simply because the building I live in is from late 1800 and there always minor repairs to do

    • Sounds like you’d be pretty setup. Where do you live, Hendriksen?

      • On that account yes, weapons and food, not so much. I’m from Denmark and we Arent allowed to own guns and its defficult to find canned goods here (since nobody buys it xD)

        • No one buys canned good? That’s really interesting (and probably a lot healthier).

        • Yeah its a very small selection and its expensive.

          Though people do eat tons of frozen food.

        • Wow, that’s so different. Canned stuff here is numerous and (comparatively) cheap.

        • Hehe amazing how different countries can be, but i have searched a bit and found out that my country has tons of restrictions on food conservatives and such. So that might explain it.

          But because of the steep prices im Building a surply of freeze dried food from the military xD

        • Good thinking on the freeze dried stuff. You could also buy a dehydrator and try making some of your own.

        • Thats actually a good idea, havent thought of that!

        • Fruit leather and beef jerky! Good stuff.

        • Does sound good! Gotta look into that

  7. Ha good episode Dave!!!

    • Thanks!