Episode 426: What Now?

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Zombie Cliche Lookout: No Exit

Remember the Alamo? Sure, we all do; there were no survivors. While the zombies are a far cry from Santa Anna’s army, survivors stuck indoors, surrounded by zombies, are in a very similar set of circumstances. It’s the classic setup, right out of Night of the Living Dead, the little movie that started it all. Survivors inside, possibly with quickly constructed barricades, with an ever-growing army of zombies outside. Yeah, it’s not as romantic as the Alamo, but nothing in the zombie apocalypse is all that romantic. Unless you’re into that sort of thing.

The survivors have little in the way of choices: hunker down and hope to outlast the zeds, or try to either break through or find some other way out. If they do choose to stay put, that enclosed space turns into a boiler room. Tensions rise, and strong personalities start to clash. Pretty soon, the zombies aren’t the only problem.

About this Episode:

Don’t worry, I already have a storyline with characters locked inside against a horde of zombies, so we’re not going to rehash this here. Also, this is a flashback so we only have so much latitude on timing. In other words, we’re going to be plowing forward here.

Other News:

Since next week is Christmas, I’m going to be taking it off, so Friday’s episode is the last Bricks of the Dead for a little while. I hope everyone has a nice holiday. And if you don’t celebrate; apologies for the break.

Discussion Question: Worst Zombie Survival Companion?

You never know where you’re going to be when the zombie apocalypse starts. You can make all the plans in the world, but bad timing can mess everything up. With that in mind, who would be the worst person to get stuck with in a zombie survival situation?

Let’s speak in generic terms here. Think more like “soccer mom” and less like “Uncle Larry with the weird smell”.

29 thoughts on “Episode 426: What Now?”

  1. Worst companion?
    Someone strong, dumb, frightened and who thinks he’s in charge.

    • Hah, yeah that might be kind of rough.

  2. Soccer mom?!?! At the very least she’ll have a SUV which will be useful for sure!!!

    • Hah, good point Mark.

  3. Typo alert: Zombie Cliche Lookout: Sixth sentence, after “romatnic”, a should be as! 😀

    Second paragraph: Third sentence, raise–>rise. 😉

    • “Romantic”, I mean! 😀

      • Hah, you even fix your own typos.

    • Fixed both; thank you, sir!

  4. I was kind of hoping Dave could come up with a zombie themed Seasons Greetings scene for December 23rd! 😀 You know, some big Christmas “present” the zombies in Dave’s webcomic are going to get for all their acting they’ve done in BotD! They deserve it! 😉

    • If time allows, I’ll do another single-panel Christmas episodes. We’ll see how that shakes out.

  5. Pretty much any other high school student outside my group of friends…Not to sound self-righteous or anything, but we truly do seem to be the only ones with sense, barring a few exceptions. Most people my age(Myself included) would likely be so used to the good life that we’d shut down pretty quickly. The difference being that I have faith. I’m a pretty faithful Christian, and, agree with me or not, I have been able to get through some rough times due to my faith in God.

    • Hell, I’m 33 and I’m so used to the easy life I’d have a hell of a time adjusting.

  6. Gilligan.

    • Yes indeed. Get him out of the way so we can run off with Mary-Ann.

  7. A pacifist?

    • I wonder how long a pacifist would last actually, and if he would still have the same mentality if something bad happened or his friends and family.

    • Heh! It’s been my experience that ideologically earnest pacifist cab be pretty darn vicious and brutal when they deem their cause as “just.”

  8. A heavy metal band that still wishes to practice? I would have said the 3 stooges, but those guys are the best destraction(curse you autocorrect!) / diversion team that would leave the door open at a strange moment.

  9. A large family with a lot of young children would be hard. You would want to help them since they can’t help themselves. However, the adults who can find food and fend off zombies are outnumbered by the mouths to feed and protect.

    • Admittedly, this is a lot of why I prepare. I have small children; and I want to make sure they are safe in an emergency. I have done a lot to make sure they are well-fed, clean, warm, and dry in case of a disaster.

      And frankly, I do not want to be around people that think my children are a liability. If they think my kids are an impediment, likely I think those people are a risk to my family’s safety.

      It goes both ways, see?

  10. Kayne West.

    • Who’s she?

      • One of the Kardashian sisters

        • I only know them from the tabloid covers I see as I walk through the checkout at the grocery store. Sincerely, I have never seen them on television. I don’t even know why they’re supposed to be famous. Are they singers, or something?

          Folks know who they are, but couldn’t name the prime minister of England, or find the Senkaku Islands on a map (or even articulate why they’re important).

  11. My brother, he’s the most stupid and dumb guy in the world

  12. Oregon Kim is on to something! I have quite a few friends who do child care are teachers or work at pre-schools. Never occurred to me how horrible that would be if the outbreak happens while surrounded by all those human larvae!

    • Parents need to have the wherewithal to take care of their own families when it hits the fan.

  13. Worst companion… Don’t know, maybe a zombie!

  14. That guy who complains about anything and everything. You know, that every time a MRE is cracked open they go “Really? I have to eat dog food?” That kind of person really can get annoying quick.