Zombie Cliche Lookout: Breaking Stuff is Fun
One of the big reasons that imagining yourself in a post-apocalyptic world is fun is that there aren’t any rules. Don’t get me wrong, there are still things that are going to control your actions, like having to feed yourself and being able to escape from roaming packs of zombies. But all that pain-in-the-butt law and order stuff goes right out the window. If you’re having a rough day, take out some of your frustrations by busting out a few windows. Feeling weird? Drag all the mannikins from the nearest department store out into the street and setup bizarre scenes with them. Run with scissors! The sky’s the limit.
About this Episode:
I’m not quite sure how of how much of the “barricading the cabin” storyline I’m going to show in the comic. I have a lot of other things I want to hit, and – while I loves me some people hastily erecting zombie-defense barricades – I don’t want to slow down the flow of the story too much. Thus, we have this little interlude wherein I introduce the fact that Russel and his new carpentry assistants are going to be in charge of securing the place. If I want to show it, I can. If not, I can just have the other survivors arrive back to a now-secure (somewhat) cabin.
It’s nice to have options.
Discussion Question: Collectible Minifigs
I’m a pretty big fan of LEGO®’s Collectible Minifigures. So far, I’ve managed to grab at least one complete set of every series (plus a bunch of extras). I’m curious to see what they come up with next. I thought it might be fun to see what sort of ideas you guys have. They don’t have to be zombie-related, just whatever you think would be cool.
A couple ideas I’ve had were a Royal Canadian Mounted Policemen, Sasquatch, and a retro-looking Robot (think Robby the Robot here).
Breaking doors is no problem, but I think Stewart is going to need help breaking into the shed! 😀
They’ll also need help getting there without any zombies finding their way to them, and breaking that lock might attract some if they make too much noise! 😀
It’s too bad they don’t have any bolt cutters, or even Sam’s crowbar.
With mast sheds the locks are just to keep the honest folks honest. Taking the doors off is an easy enough proposition without tool, if you don’t mind ruining the shed. I mean, it’s called breaking in.
I know the lock on my shed wouldn’t do much to stop anyone. It’d be pretty easy to just pry off one of the doors with a cat’s paw or something like that.
If the door opens outward you can just pull the hinge pins, no matter how impressive the lock. Having moved down to Florida and locking everything before going, my mother was shocked to hear I had gotten into the locked basement to retrieve some tools without a key or damaging a thing. ;D
I wish lego made a Russian commando. Like the Indiana Jones guy’s they made back 2 years ago( more or less). Found them pretty cool. Or maybe an adventurer like character but in a female version. Also a golfer might be nice. Like Dave said, the sky is surely the limit.
I like the golfer idea best of these. A Spetznaz commando would be a hard sell for LEGO.
True, but it is what we wish for right? Only me? Ok…
I never get every fig in a series. Some of them are too goofy. I tend to get ones I can use in my sci-fi apoc theme. There’s usually at least one per series I can use, at least since I have been back into LEGO (say the last four series). Out of this set I got one each of the robot, alien, and cyclops (who I am going to build into an alien with a few BrickForge accessories).
What would I like to see? Well, another cowboy would be nice, like the one from two series back, I think. Maybe his nemesis? I like how lego.com gives them little backstories, and give many of the figs rivals. The last cowboy I built into a Porter Rockwell avatar, which turned out really well. Oh, a decent male nurse would be nice, since they just did a female surgeon.
I’d love more western figs. That last gunslinger was great. He reminds me of Michael Beihn’s character (Johnny Ringo) in Tombstone.
Hah, I can see that, now that you mention it. I always thought it looked like my dad.
Your dad looks like Michael Beihn? That’s super cool.
No, my dad looks like an old gunfighter with a walrus mustache.
My dad looks like Adrian Monk, well sort of, everyone says that he does.
AS far as the cowboy goes, just wait until the lone ranger sets come out.: http://thebrickblogger.com/2012/12/2013-lego-lone-ranger-sets-pictures/
The mounty, I used the British royal guard with a ranger/cop hat to get the look.
I’ve broken a lock before, but never really succeded with opening one. After that I just got the ol’ sledge hammer and broke the whole damn thing off. I also cant tie any knots.
Learn some knots. They’re useful. I only know a couple, but they’re handy as hell.
knots are going to get me nowhere in life
I’d love for LEGO to keep making more fantasy themed minifigures. Another fairy with different colored wings.
I haven’t been that gungho to collect up every figure, but enough that I can get the ones I really want.
like pick a birck minifigure?
I like the fantasy-themed figs as well. The knight from this wave was boring, but I really like the Cyclops.
oh those new Lego sets? I haven’t really looked into them. If you ask me. the Lego company is going to run out of idea’s in a few years. And Mega Blox will take over.
I’ll take that bet.
Although i do Hate Mega Blox, i like their Halo, everybody likes Halo, I mean, future warfare!? who thought up an awesome idea like that.
When Mega-Blocks stop out-gassing, and make their elements from the same hard plastic LEGO does, and not that cookie dough-soft shit, I wil look at them.
It does not helpTLG’s case, though, that they are ma,ing more and more elements in China.
pbbt, why do we trade our gas and lumber for crappy stuff made in China and Japan? oh by the way Bo, the capitol thing is on the 21st.
Regardless, Mega Blocks are still crap, Halo or no.
true, and you have a letter in your name that needs to be capitolized, im sure that you niticed that
I’ve looked at the Halo sets, just for grins. They don’t look good to me from a build perspective. Of course, I’m not into Halo at all, so I’m not in the target market.
I kind of dislike Halo. It seems to just dominate a lot of the third-party parts market.
Halo is pretty awesome, but I don’t care for the Mega Blocks version. As Bo says, they are and look rather cheap, which hurts a lot.
well anyone who hates Halo for no reason is a freak, not you dave, but if no ones ever played before and they say that they hate it, i find them annoying.
I played the first one years ago, and didn’t really see anything special about it. Just seemed like another FPS to me.
well i like it because it has infection in it, i really enjoy those types of games. I also Call Of Duty Black Ops 2, you should try it when you have the extra money, you need $325 dollars for all of that
No going to catch any mega blocks in this home. Although they have some cool looking stuff.. its just not LEGO®
I’m a victim of these MF… I have them all and I can’t stop. Damned you, Danish marketing specialists! (note that I’m saying that with my raised fist)
As for what’s next…really looking forward to the Paintball guy and the Welder (weird, I know, but I’ve been stalling a MOC idea for a lack of proper LEGO welding equipment!).
When you think that they have already released 144 MF, It’s starting to become difficult to find a theme they have not yet touched!
Back the comment from Bo that they released some matching pairs (male/female, good guy/bad guy) I think it would only be fair that they release a Zombie slayer! (ha, can’t blame the guy for trying!)
Along the same lines, since we had a mobster we could have some kind of Eliot Ness cop…. a Gaul to fight off the Roman soldier…
For fighting the Roman legionnaire, they put out the Celtic warrior.
I kind of want the judge. I had one in my hand last week, and just could not justify it; so I got the cyclops instead.
Well, the Romans had a beef with a lot of people.. LEGO could still expand on that theme!
Sure, Franks, Celts, Goths, Vandals. All good fun to me.
They should have a LEGO minecraft fig
Avatar last airbender minifigs would be really cool.
Avatar? maybe the alien ones would be cool, just the last airbender, i saw it once then decided to go to sleep, even though it was only like 7:00
Maybe a soldier with that short from Scarab Attack and a tan LEGO Indiana Jones cap? And a rifle?
From something I am studying…
Endemic: found in a particular geographic region
The incidence and prevalence are expected and relatively stable
Epidemic: abrupt and unexpected increase in the incidence of disease over endemic rates
Pandemic: spread of disease beyond continental boundaries
So you’re saying it’s good to have an interest in public health and epidemiology to be a zombie fiction fan?
Its all in the details that make things extra awesome, Bo! A passive knowledge of Epidemiology makes the zombie stories more terrifying! 🙂
You don’t need to tell me. I’m a nurse with a strong public health background.
I would like to see more tech mechanics with gearhead type extras, Steampunk would be nice also. a Mentally insane patient (with the jacket), Females with short hair, chimney sweep, colonial era minis, rednecks (maybe in a trailer home set, with random amount of tires or toilet for the front yard), more joe average