Guest Strip 3

Photo of author



About this Episode:
Guest Strip 3 comes to us courtesy of RJ, author of BlockTales. BlockTales is a crazy little strip in which you can never be too sure what’s going to happen next. It might be a quick joke, or a cameo appearance, or even a big damn fight. The only way to be sure is to check it out.

I did a guest strip for RJ too. You can check it out here.

Zombie Cliché Lookout:
A zombie is a zombie is a zombie, right? Well that all depends on who’s telling the story. Zombies are ubiquitous, and there isn’t a hard and fast set of rules on how they’re handled, much to the chagrin of the purists. That means that sometimes the zombies can talk, and sometimes the zombie can learn, and sometimes the zombies aren’t zombies at all: they’re deadites.

2 thoughts on “Guest Strip 3”

  1. *Puts on fake moustache*

    I wonder who this brilliant strip maker is?

    • “put’s on a fake moustache” is the the fake moustace club rj