Episode 587: Putting in Work

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Zombie Cliche Lookout: A Big Moment

In zombie stories, it’s very common for characters to undergo rapid, 180-degree changes. Generally speaking, this happens when the previously cowardly character gets some courage and takes a stand. It also happens with the hardass character who’s been talking a big game throughout the story so far, suddenly pisses himself at the first sight of a zombie. Unfortunately, these tend to be pretty predictable.

I like this trope far better when the transition is less sudden, and is grounded in some solid reasoning. Take one of my favorite character examples: Ripley from Alien and Aliens. In the first film, she was absolutely terrified, but always grounded in her training and duty to the job. In the sequel, she is clearly traumatized by her experiences, and it takes a lot of prompting to get her to head back to LV246. But when the shit inevitably hits the fan, Ripley knows what to do. And by the end, she’s ready to kick some major ass to keep Newt – her adopted daughter – safe.

That’s how you do a character transition. Also, Aliens is basically a zombie movie without zombies, so it’s a good fit here.

About this Episode:

I have a bit of a penchant for badass women in genre fiction. Most of my female characters are extremely capable, which can get a little old. I’m going to try very hard not to do the same thing with Vicky here. I want her to be a scared person putting on a brave face for the sake of her kids. If anyone sees me going down that road, raise your hand.

I’m speaking figuratively, of course. I can’t actually see you raise your hand, so you’ll have to leave a comment or send me an email.

I mean, honestly.

Discussion Question: Cowards

What do you think about cowardly characters in horror stories? I find them fascinating, but frustrating. Not because of how they’re acting, mind you, but generally for how they’re written. I should be able to relate to someone who’s petrified with fear – zombies are terrifying after all – but most cowards are written to be hated. How could this be improved?

6 thoughts on “Episode 587: Putting in Work”

  1. Another good episode Dave

    • Thanks!

  2. I like when there are cowardly characters in horror stories because it is realistic. Not everyone would be a hero. I’m glad you made both Ted and Sam cowardly.

    • Not only would not everyone be a hero, not everyone who wanted to be a hero would be very good at it.

  3. Typo alert: “her adoptive daughter” adoptive–>adopted 😀

    Adoptive exists, but if it does, it’s the wrong form to use for it here. 😀

    • Fixed.

      You know, I think this is the second time I’ve made this mistake.