Episode 41

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Zombie Cliché Lookout:
Quick, what’s the best way to recover after sticking your foot in your mouth? If you said that you should immediately launch serveral passive-aggressive attacks at the person you just insulted, well, you’re probably a hell of a lot of fun at parties. In popular entertainment, the guy who can’t help but say stupid/insensative/sexist stuff is generally either a complete sociopath, or a cretin with a heart of gold. The trouble is you’ll never know which until the final reel. Good luck.

2 thoughts on “Episode 41”

  1. Usually not until the final reel? I want to know now! Eh, I’ll probably figure it out. Twist endings rarely twist me that badly. 😉

    • I know the feelings. Movies pitching themselves by “the twist you’ll never see coming” invariably fail to thrill.